Warden Boss icon

Warden Boss -----

Makes the Warden a REAL Boss

Version: 0.2
Me gusta muchos este plugin, pero la última versión tiene un fallo en la 1.20.4... No me permite configurar los items en el archivo config.yml ya que cada vez que uso "/wb reload" se formatea y vuelve a crear las carpetas en su version predeterminadas.

Version: 2023-06-14
Love this plugin HOWEVER I cannot seem to find a way to reset the kill limit for all the players on my server. I wanted to do a weekly event to be able to kill the warden and get cool loot however I'm stuck to using commands to give loot. I also would like the ability to disable endermites

Version: 2023-06-14
In general, I like the plugin, it works on version 1.20.2 of Paper.

But unfortunately, in it you can only edit the name of items and their description, and of course add more names for ready-made items.

What the person below wrote in the comment, I completely agree with him, when I try to add my own enchantment, for example fire resistance, this thing does not work! I also wanted to add drops and a bow to the items, and of course the plugin began to ignore this...

And so that you don’t respond to this comment, the author of the plugin, know that I don’t need advice, I need actions, and I will see them in the “Update” line on this Spigot page.

This is not the first year I have been doing this, and on my part, I have not made any mistakes.

Version: 2023-06-14
Really good plugin, very much fun on my server with friends! Is it maybe possible to remove the endermites?

Version: 2023-06-14
Great idea for an immersive plugin. Keep making wonderful additions like this. I also recommend Infernal Mobs. I would love to see something like this for the dragon and wither too.

Version: 2023-06-14
Config doesnt work
poorly coded
(if you change enchants in config it physicallly wont apply to game , if you try to remove or set a dropchance to 0 the wardenloot will straightup not spawn...)
Author's response
Sounds like you are doing it wrong,
Please post in the discussion if you would like some help.

Version: 2023-06-14
Is there a discord or something so I can ask you how to set something up? Please
Author's response
You can just post in the discussion here and I can help.

Version: 2023-06-14
LOVE IT, really perfect for my RPG server

please make more of these "bosses" plugin like better wither or better dragon boss plugin

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,002
First Release: Jun 15, 2023
Last Update: Aug 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings