WallStreetAFK Plugin
WallStreetAFK is a simple Minecraft plugin designed to manage AFK (Away From Keyboard) player statuses. The plugin tracks player activity and automatically marks players as AFK after a specified time of inactivity, or if they manually enter AFK mode. minecraft version 16.4
- Automatically detect AFK players after a configurable period of inactivity.
- Players can manually set their AFK status using /afk.
- Players are notified when they are AFK or when they return.
- View the list of all currently AFK players using /afk players.
- Configure AFK timers via commands or config file.
- /afk
Manually sets the player as AFK. If already AFK, it will remove the AFK status.
- /afk players
Displays a list of all currently AFK players.
- /afk settimer [SECONDS]
Sets the AFK timer (in seconds) for automatic detection. This requires a reload to take effect.
- /afk help
Displays the help page with available commands.
- Download the latest artifacts from our ci pipeline.
- extract the artifacts zip containing the plugin .jar file and place it in your server's plugins directory.
- Start your server to generate the configuration file.
- Edit the config file in plugins/WallStreetAFK/config.yml if needed.
- Restart or reload your server to apply any changes.
The plugin generates a default configuration file on first launch.
afkTimer: 300 # The time in seconds before a player is marked AFK