Voting (Weather & Custom) icon

Voting (Weather & Custom) -----

Keep players to determine various situations.

A popular Minecraft extension that allows players to determine about various situations using the most advanced voting system.


Weather Voting
  • Changing weather has never been easier. Keep players to place a vote and sun will rise or storm will begin.
Custom Voting
  • Create your own situations, which perfectly fits your server and let players to determine about its result.
  • GUI
    • Nice minimalistic UI allows players to start a round or place a vote.
  • Pause
    • To avoid spamming about voting, you can apply pause between rounds.
  • Restriction
    • In restricted world is not able to start a voting round or place a vote.
  • BossBar
    • Through BossBar, player get fresh information about current round.
  • ActionBar
    • Through ActionBar, players see results of running round.
  • Signs
    • Using interactive signs, player can start a round or place a vote.
  • Economy
    • Via Economy you can charge players for placing a vote or starting a round.
Fully customizable
  • The unique solution allows you to customize this plugin just for your needs.
  • Create own style of messages and items.
  • Ability to rename or add own command aliases.
  • Years of plugin development are reflected into high quality product with high rating score.
  • Fast & Friendly support is ready to solve your troubles.

There is nothing better than see how the plugin really works with your live interactions.

Join our server and see for yourself!
  • IP: - 1.21.3
Popular Minecraft extension, which gives ability to players to participate about the result of situations using the most improved voting system.
Keep players to determine various situations.

  • Before you run Voting plugin on your server, there are a few requirements that you have to check.
    • Ensure you are using Minecraft version 1.8.8 or later. (Versions below 1.8.8 are not supported!)
    • Your server has installed Java8 or later.
    • Make sure that you have already installed plugin TheCore
  1. Put selected .jar files into plugins folder at your server.
  2. Restart your server.
    1. If you are using PlugMan, load it through it while server is running.
  3. Done, jump into configuration and setting up.
  • Player
    • /voting - Opens GUI to see current state.
    • /voting <VotingUnit> [Parameters] - Start voting round
    • /voting <Agree/Disagree> - Place a vote
    • /voting info - Displays basic information about plugin
  • Admin
    • /votingadmin alias - Set world's alias
    • /votingadmin reload <[All]/Locale/Options> - Reload plugin configuration
    • /votingadmin migration localization - Migrate GUI Localization from Locale/EN.yml to Locale/GUI.yml file.
  • Player - Voting.Player
  • Admin - Voting.Administration
  • Start any round - Voting.Round.Start.*
  • Start round - Voting.Round.Start.<VotingUnit>
  • See result - Voting.Round.ResultRatio

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Contact email
  • sobky
  1. As default at installing this plugin, you agree with sending anonymous analytics data about this plugin to developer. These data could help in future development. There is just collected plugin version, server version and data from options file. Nothing more.
    1. Example of collected analytics data are available at
  2. You are NOT allowed to redistribute this plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package.
  3. You are NOT allowed to decompile or modify this plugin. Please request for adding new features, if you want to.
  4. Do NOT post negative reviews, if you did not try to solve the issue at the discussion before! You can also open a ticket on our Discord server or use Private Messaging.
  5. We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this.
  6. Terms valid from 02.03.2021. Updated 23.11.2024.
Development of spigot plugins is my huge passion. I am trying to do my best and fulfill you requests as much as possible. Also at supporting on Discord.

By releasing the resource, story does not end! There are regularly updates and almost nonstop support during the whole resource lifetime.

If you appreciate my time and what I am doing, please support me with a donation at

  1. NorthMania - 5.00€
  2. Yamiru - 5.00€
  3. RaceShafter - 5.00€
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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,229
First Release: Aug 3, 2016
Last Update: Nov 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
46 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings