VillagerTradeMaster icon

VillagerTradeMaster -----

create and manage custom villagers who are traiding potion effects

VillagerTradeMaster Command Documentation
VillagerTradeMaster is a Minecraft plugin that allows server administrators to create and manage custom villagers with tailored trading options. This plugin enhances the gameplay experience by enabling the configuration of unique villagers that offer specific trade recipes, including custom items and potion effects. (at the moment just potion effects)

· /spawnvillager create <villagerName>

· /spawnvillager add effect <villagerName> <costItem> <amount> <effect> <duration> <level>

· /spawnvillager spawn <villagerName> <Koordinaten>

· /spawnvillager destroy <villagerName>

· /spawnvillager remove <villagerName> <index>

· /spawnvillager inventory <villagerName>

/spawnvillager create <villagerName>
Purpose of the Command:
- Villager Creation: This command creates a new villager with the specified name in the plugin's database. This villager is not visible in the game world initially, but is registered within the plugin's system.

- Preparation for Trade: The newly created villager can be configured to receive custom trade recipes, which can be added using other commands.

/spawnvillager create Wizard

Creates a new villager named 'Wizard' in the database.

/spawnvillager add effect <villagerName> <costItem> <amount> <effect> <duration> <level>
Purpose of the Command:
- Adding Trade Recipes: This command adds a trade recipe to a custom villager, allowing item exchange for a potion effect. (Amounts over 64 can be purchased with 64; however, the correct amount is deducted. If a player has only 64 but it costs 70, the player would receive it for 64. If they have 70, they pay 70).

- Configuring Effects: It allows precise configuration of the potion effect the player receives after the trade, including the type of effect, its duration, and level.

/spawnvillager add effect Wizard DIAMOND 5 STRENGTH 120 1

Adds a trade recipe to the villager 'Wizard' where the player trades 5 diamonds (DIAMOND) for a strength effect (STRENGTH) lasting 120 seconds (2 minutes) at level 2 (level 1 in code).

/spawnvillager spawn <villagerName> <coordinates>
Purpose of the Command:
- Villager Spawning: Places a custom villager in the game world at the specified coordinates.

- Static Positioning: The villager remains static at the specified position and cannot move. However, it can turn its head to look around, making it appear alive without changing its position.

/spawnvillager spawn Wizard 100 64 -250

This command spawns the villager named 'Wizard' at the coordinates x=100, y=64, z=-250 in the game world. The villager appears at the specified location and is ready to interact with configured trade options.

/spawnvillager destroy <villagerName>
Purpose of the Command:
- Villager Removal: The command removes the villager with the specified name from the game world and the plugin's database.

- Cleaning Up Villagers: It allows the removal of villagers that are no longer needed, keeping the game world tidy and organized.

/spawnvillager destroy Wizard

This command removes the villager named 'Wizard' from both the game world and the plugin database. The villager and all its trade recipes are completely deleted and are no longer available.

/spawnvillager remove <villagerName> <index>
Purpose of the Command:
- Removing a Trade Recipe: The command deletes a specific trade recipe from a villager's list of trade options.

- Modifying Trade Offers: It allows modification of a villager's trade offers by removing unneeded or unwanted recipes.

/spawnvillager remove Wizard 1

This command removes the trade recipe with index 1 (the second recipe in the list) from the trade list of the villager 'Wizard'. After executing the command, this specific trade offer will no longer be available.

/spawnvillager inventory <villagerName>
Purpose of the Command:
- Inventory Access: The command allows administrators or players with appropriate permissions to directly open and edit a custom villager's trade inventory.

- Managing Trade Options: It provides a graphical user interface for managing the villager's trade options, making it easier to add, remove, or modify trade recipes.

/spawnvillager inventory Wizard

This command opens the trade inventory of the villager named 'Wizard'. Administrators can view the inventory and edit the trade offers directly in-game.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out to me.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 143
First Release: Aug 13, 2024
Last Update: Aug 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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