VillagerFollow | Make Villagers Follow You With Emeralds [1.13-1.21] icon

VillagerFollow | Make Villagers Follow You With Emeralds [1.13-1.21] -----

Make nearby villagers follow the player using emeralds as a lure.

As the title says, now the plugin supports 1.20.4
----------, Dec 31, 2024

As the title says, now the plugin should work fine in the new versions, enjoy!
----------, Nov 15, 2024

1.7.1 version - BETA
  • When using Paper as server, the plugin uses the api of papermc to make the villager follow the player as its better performance
  • New messages for info and errors
  • Etc...
----------, Aug 12, 2024

Now the plugin supports the newer versions!
I removed the support of version from 1.16.5 and below, but they should still work, just download version 1.5.9 if you want to play in that versions.
----------, Jun 16, 2024

Its been a while, the plugins should work now for the 1.20.3 version and I tried to add some more optimization, let me know if something is broken before submitting a review, thanks!
----------, Dec 13, 2023

Now the plugin should work in 1.20.2, please let me know if there is a problem.

Also I made a few changes in the code of the plugin so that there is no more spagetti code around, or at least I think so.

Have a nice day!
----------, Sep 24, 2023

Now you can change in messages.yml the prefix of the plugin, enjoy it!
If you are using an older version I recommend you to add it manually or delete the old messages.yml to change the prefix.

Now you can change in the config what type of follow you want to enable: follow player, follow emerald in ground or follow with pay.

Now the /vf reload should probably work now with the messages.yml of the plugin.
----------, Sep 21, 2023

Now there is a new feature in the config, if a villager can catch a emerald in the ground, it will heal the villager when it catches it! As always you can disable it in the config if you don't want it.

Also now when you pay a villager or a villager heals with emeralds it will desplay a effect on the villager.

I also upgraded the library of the NMS, so if anything is broke, tell me in the discussion page or github please, thanks!
----------, Sep 8, 2023

Here we go again:
  • Now you can change the speed at which the villagers can follow you in the config
  • Now the reload command should work for the config.yml and messages.yml, you shouldn't need to restart the server to confirm the changes.
  • Added in the resource page a messages.yml translated to Spanish.
  • Also I support any problem of the plugin in Spanish.
As I always say, drink some water! See you around.
----------, Aug 10, 2023

  • Refactor and optimize the code so that now it even works better. (I swear that if I broke something in the process I will cry)
  • As people suggested, now you can pay villagers for a period of time to follow you around, this of course can be modify in the config file.
  • Message file added so you can translate the plugin or change the messages. Please if you like my work and speak another language, translate the messages.yml and dm me about it, I will of course credit you in the resource page.
I know that only like 5 persons are going to read this, only nerds like us do this lmao. In case you are one of those people, I hope you have a good day. :giggle:

In case you saw a new update notification before this, I forgot to upload the file xD. Now it should be available.
----------, Aug 7, 2023

As the title said, I optimized the code so that now it doesn't waste resources if the server is empty and added /villagerfollow help, so that you can see over there the commands availaible. (Does anyone read this? If so please drink water :) )
----------, Aug 5, 2023

Now the villagers that are around players can follow and catch the emeralds, around them! (As always, you can disable this new features in the config, don't worry about it)
I recommend to delete the old config.yml of the server in this new update, but it is not obligatory.
----------, Aug 4, 2023

Now the permissions of the plugin should be working as intended, if it is not, you can tell me in the discussion page.
----------, Aug 1, 2023

Now if check-update is true, it will also alert an admin (that has op) in the server when joining if there is a new update available.
----------, Jul 30, 2023

This new update brings these new things:

  • Now you can modify the range of the villagers affected by the esmerald in the config. I strongly recommend to delete the old config before installing this new update.
  • Now when you do /villagerfollow version it checks on real time if there is a new update available (at least it should be working now as intended).
----------, Jul 30, 2023

As the title says, a bug fixed (?) that when you do /villagerfollow version, now the plugin checks if there is a new version available and tells you about it, removed a stupid warning and implemented bstats in the plugin.
----------, Jul 29, 2023

Now the plugin by default alerts in the console if there is a new version available in the spigot website of the plugin.
----------, Jul 29, 2023

Just I thing I forgot to add to the config for better reading
----------, Jul 28, 2023

  • A better config added in plugin.yml so that now you can set permissions with the plugin
  • Added alias vf and now the commands are better added within the server
  • Fixed a bug that when you reloaded the plugin, it didn't reloaded properly
----------, Jul 28, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,175
First Release: Jul 27, 2023
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings