Villager Overhaul [1.14-1.21] | Restrict | Modify | Remove | Add | icon

Villager Overhaul [1.14-1.21] | Restrict | Modify | Remove | Add | -----

Full control over villager trades.

This update ensures full compatibility with Minecraft versions up to 1.21, including all 1.20 versions. The previous version did work from my tests and the plugin should work with all future versions of Minecraft in the foreseeable future without needing a plugin update.

Apologies for the downtime of updates for the plugin, I will be working on this again now and starting active development of new features when possible. For any support questions or issues, please join the discord where you can see a list of known issues and get a response much faster than the forums.

Thank you all for the support,

- Xy
----------, Jul 28, 2024

Please redownload this version if you previously downloaded, the other is a dev build currently not functioning correctly.

Fixed an issue with KeepMaps accidentally inheriting the Item1 and Item2 meta from any trade that it overrides. The KeepMaps section will now correctly accept Item1Meta, Item2Meta and ModifierOveride sections.


----------, Sep 18, 2023

Fixed an issue with KeepMaps accidentally inheriting the Item1 and Item2 meta from any trade that it overrides. The KeepMaps section will now correctly accept Item1Meta, Item2Meta and ModifierOveride sections.


----------, Sep 17, 2023

Small update to fix some essential functions. Fixes a bug with KeepMaps not keeping the map.. Also fixed the 'ChangeProfessions' function, villagers will now gain a single experience point when first interacted with if the feature is set to 'false' (as in cannot change professions) - this will mean that the instant a player looks at the trades that a villager has, they are locked into it and will NEVER lose the profession by way of destroying the job block.

Thank you all for your patience with this feature, now it is finally working!

Quick note as a lot of people have been asking about the plugin being compatible with version 1.19, or 1.18 in the past - the plugin uses 1.14 API only, and as such will not need an update to work on newer versions unless the update deprecates any code from this version. Any updates, like 1.19.1 to come will work perfectly fine without a plugin update - if they dont, come shout at me in my discord and it will be fixed within a few hours!

- Xy :)
----------, Jun 27, 2022

Small update to add additional functionality/defunctionality to the plugin.

Adds the option for 'Disabled = true' under any profession next to the Modifiers for that profession, before any trades. Setting this to true will stop the plugin from working on any villagers of that profession, allowing you to change some and keep the default trades on others.

Also added the 'DefaultWeight: 1' option at the top of the config, changing this alters the weight for any trade that does not have one set individuially. This can be set to 100 in order to simulate decimal chances of trades on a villager, for example default 100 allows you to set 50 on any single trade that you want to be half as likely to be chosen.

Shopkeepers are now automatically ignored by this plugin, you can customise them seperately in that plugin.

- Xy :)
----------, May 6, 2022

Essential update from original version 1.1.1 - no changes, just a quick fix for an error using 2 groups in a level.

Quick update with an essential feature to help the transition between current trades on your server and trades added by the plugin! You can use this feature to seamlessly integrate the plugin and add new trades without changing any existing villagers (other than level 1 villagers)

- Added the function 'KeepCurrentTrades' to the config, add any villager types under this section and set them to true in order to stop the plugin changing their current trades on first interaction (only functional if the villager has not been interacted with before this value is set. please test on a none live server to ensure you know how this functions before attempting a live transition)

This feature unfortunately does not work on level 1 villagers, they will have their trade changed to match the config on the first interaction no matter what - ask players to level them up if for some reason they have not and want to keep the trade.

- Fixed lack of product item metadata on cartographer trades where they originaly would have had a filled map
- Fixed a mistake in the base config of 'ENCHANTED_BOOK' under Librarian trade levels 3 and 4 where it should instead be 'ENCHANTED_BOOKS'
- Fixed an error with duplicate trades when only 2 trades were under a level, and error messages when not needed.
----------, Jan 14, 2022

Thank you all for your patience as I worked on this update, work and life in general have not given me much time to put aside for this - but now I am able to finally get this update to those of you who were waiting.

This update includes the most requested features so far, trade groups and trade weights. Groups allow you to set a bunch of trades within a group and specify the group as a single trade anywhere in the config. Check out the default config to see how the groups are set up, or join my discord for help (link is in the top of all config files).

Along with the groups, I have also added a weight option for all trades - this allows you to skew the chances of a particular trade being chosen by the plugin. Simply add 'Weight: ' and a number to any trade to change the chances. By default all trades have a weight for 1, set the number higher for a higher chance of the trade being chosen.

Also included are some fixes to the RANDOM items, which are now almost defunct with the addition to groups - but still kept in and have extra fucntionality as it is harder to make those yourself. Near the top of the config is a section for the effects of the random potions and stews which can be customised to your own liking.

Features Added:
- Grouped trades for all villager types, including Wandering Traders. Use any group any number of times anywhere in the trades (just not within another group)

- Weighted trades, default of weight 1 on all trades even if not specified - increase or decrease to adjust the chances of the trade being chosen. Available on all villager types and wandering traders.

- Customise random potion effects in potions, stews, and tipped arrows

Bugs Fixed:
- Meta data for item 2 has been fixed, seems to have not been fully functional beforehand.

- Wandering traders can now have meta data added to their items

- Random stew no longer gives errors when attempting to use

Thank you all once again, please let me know if there are any issues with this update - preferably on Discord ( )

- Xy :)
----------, Dec 24, 2021

Fix to an issue causing villagers to be stuck unable to lose their professions, for now the feature to stop them losing the professions is disabled until I discover a better method to achieve the effect. This update may help with any slight tps drops that are caused currently by the villagers.

Also adjusted the Wandering Trader disabling function to ensure a full stop override and allow compatibility with other wandering trader plugins. If you would like the plugin to continue using its settings for the wandering traders please ensure that the 'Enabled' option under the wandering trader section is set to 'TRUE' in full caps.
----------, Aug 30, 2021

Custom error messages will now be given in console when villager professions have less than 2 trades available for selection by the plugin. Stops full errors being thrown when random numbers cannot be selected.

Also adjusted an error in the default config giving 18 fishing rods instead of 1 in a trade - lol.

Changed logging methods for the new spigot preferences.
----------, Aug 4, 2021

Quick fix for errors when using the random type item options built into the plugin.
----------, Jun 5, 2021

Fix for an oversight in assuming that Villagers would have 10 trades that was causing some issues with trades on master level villagers not saving. Also added missing Level2 trades in the default config for Librarians.
----------, Jun 4, 2021

Small fix for an error when adjusting master level villager trades, only fixes an error that shows up in console - no functionality was lost previously.
----------, May 30, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 369
First Release: May 27, 2021
Last Update: Jul 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings