Thank you all for your patience as I worked on this update, work and life in general have not given me much time to put aside for this - but now I am able to finally get this update to those of you who were waiting.
This update includes the most requested features so far, trade groups and trade weights. Groups allow you to set a bunch of trades within a group and specify the group as a single trade anywhere in the config. Check out the default config to see how the groups are set up, or join my discord for help (link is in the top of all config files).
Along with the groups, I have also added a weight option for all trades - this allows you to skew the chances of a particular trade being chosen by the plugin. Simply add 'Weight: ' and a number to any trade to change the chances. By default all trades have a weight for 1, set the number higher for a higher chance of the trade being chosen.
Also included are some fixes to the RANDOM items, which are now almost defunct with the addition to groups - but still kept in and have extra fucntionality as it is harder to make those yourself. Near the top of the config is a section for the effects of the random potions and stews which can be customised to your own liking.
Features Added:
- Grouped trades for all villager types, including Wandering Traders. Use any group any number of times anywhere in the trades (just not within another group)
- Weighted trades, default of weight 1 on all trades even if not specified - increase or decrease to adjust the chances of the trade being chosen. Available on all villager types and wandering traders.
- Customise random potion effects in potions, stews, and tipped arrows
Bugs Fixed:
- Meta data for item 2 has been fixed, seems to have not been fully functional beforehand.
- Wandering traders can now have meta data added to their items
- Random stew no longer gives errors when attempting to use
Thank you all once again, please let me know if there are any issues with this update - preferably on Discord ( )
- Xy