VelocityReport [1.8 - 1.20.6] [MySQL/SQLite] icon

VelocityReport [1.8 - 1.20.6] [MySQL/SQLite] -----

Report system for Velocity servers

Version: 3.11.0
This plugin is good. But i would like if you add the option to use just normal gui and the option to customize the gui, like, put open sounds, change title, etc.

Version: 3.10.1
It is a very good plugin, but I miss one thing, which is saving players in the database so that I can report a player even if he is not online on a given server but is online on the network (it may be a setting in the config). Because when you are in a lobby, you cannot report a person who is in the other lobby.

Version: 3.10.1
Not working in 1.8 servers. It says its working on 1.8 - 1.20. But plugin does not load on 1.8
Author's response
Maybe upgrade your java version to 17?!

Version: 3.9.1
Probably pretty good but no Java 8 support, it would break many of my other plugins so I can't use it, please add :(

Version: 3.9.0
Awsome plugin!
but i have a question, do you plan to support discord bots? Or e.g. discordsrv?
Author's response
Hi, thanks for your review.

Yes, it does support discord bots built in and you don't need to use any discord plugin like DiscordSRV at all.

Version: 3.8.0
Movafagh bashi ! - karet dorose edame bede | plugin haye bishtar be khosoos VelocitySpy ke nist ro saey kon tosee bedi Nice
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your kind review.
I would love to work on other plugins, but my time is so limited, I will try to add a spy feature to EnhancedVelocity in future updates.

Version: 3.1.2
Awesome to see the updates coming to this plugin!

One thing that is missing that would really make this plugin complete for me is categories of reports. So maybe players can click on a certain category before choosing the specific violation?
Author's response
Hi, Thanks for your review.

That's a great idea. I will add this feature to my TO-DO list.

Version: 3.1.1
Just the report plugin I was looking for.
I could use Tiger Reports, but I think this is more custom and much cooler.
And the fact that there is velocity support is just amazing! And I love the report stages feature. <3

Some tips to make this plugin more advanced and better:

- Ability to punish reporter for false report so then he cant make reports for another 1h, 4h, 10h, ect (Abusive report)

- Config file to modify every ascept of this plugin, or at least text.
If there is already a configuration file then please include that in the spigot page.

- More admin tools such as ability to teleport to the location of reported player right now, and also the reporter. And also ability to teleport to the old location when the player was reported, and also the reporters old location

- See an inventory list of all reports that a player has sent and recived.

Good work keep up with this! ;D
Author's response
Hi, Thanks for your review :)

- About punishing false reporters with more cooldown, I think it's a good idea and I will add it to my TO-DO list.
- There is a lot of customizability via config and language files. But they only generate on backend servers.
- You can modify the click command from report messages to anything you want from the language file. (Example: invsee, tp, etc...)

You can see the full plugin wiki on the GitHub wiki page provided on top of the overview page.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,685
First Release: Sep 20, 2022
Last Update: Oct 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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