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VanillaChallenges -----

Looking challenges for your server? Try Vanilla Challenges!

Version 1.1.8
Add vc restore command for restore H2Database;
Add load of libraries with plugin.yml (alpha test);
Add SensorActuator challenge;
Add Primer challenge;
Add FireCatcher challenge;
Add EntityCatcher challenge;
Add Leasher challenge;
Add Sleep challenge;
➢ Code Optimizations;
➢ Bug Fixs;

Next Update in TODO List:
➢ New Challenges;

If you find some bugs please don't hesitate to report them via spigotmc or discord, I will reply you as soon as possible and if you have any ideas I will be happy to listen to you.

P.S. There is a known vulnerability present on the H2 database. This vulnerability results in console printing in case you choose to use this type of database (can't help it) so we recommend that you download this version containing the H2 update and the resulting fix for the vulnerability (at least that's what the creators say). The H2 update is not backward compatible so I have provided a method for those who use this database to perform a semi-automatic restore. The steps are as follows:
1) make a copy of the original database before updating the plugin (so that if there are problems go back to the previous version)
2) preferably insert the new VanillaChallenges 1.1.8 jar with the server off and start the server
3) the plugin once the server is started will detect that your h2 database is an old version and will automatically turn the plugin off and on again. WARNING when you turn the plugin back on an error will be thrown in the console (don't mind it is all normal)
4) try to restart the plugin (you can use plugman, the cg reload command or restart the server), if on restart you have no error from VanillaChallenges in console then the db has been restored correctly
6) run the new restore command (cg restore filename.yml) and wait

Make sure you have at least one backup made otherwise you will not be able to restore the database.

As an alternative to this, it is possible to change database (using Yml) by following the steps below:
1) turn off the server or plugin
2) go to the backup folder and copy the last generated file (make sure it is the last one)
3) go to config.yml and in the section Database: "H2" write "Yml";
4) turn on the server and wait for the database.yml file to be generated
5) turn off the plugin
6) take the content of the backup file and paste it into the generated database.yml file
7) turn on the plugin

I apologize for the problems that are unfortunately present because of the use of the h2 database, but unfortunately it is not my fault. We are in the process of providing a third alternative database so that we can let you choose what to use (unfortunately every database has its merits and flaws)

See you at the next update ;)
----------, Sep 5, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,010
First Release: Apr 16, 2022
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings