➢ Challenge optimization to add more features to each of them
➢ More features for Dye Challenge (You can now set which item to die with in the inventory and hand). If you want this features delete Challenges folder and restar the plugin or change this file at folder
TypeChallenge: 'DyerChallenge'
# How long do you want the challenge to last in hours ?
Time: 24
# Cause you want to damage for challenge, if you want all causes write ALL
Cause: ALL
# Type of item in main hand for death, if you want all items write ALL
ItemInHand: ALL
# Type of item in inventory for death, if you want all items write ALL
Item: ALL
# Able or disable Sneak when place Es. true or false or NOBODY
Sneaking: 'NOBODY'
# How many points you want give at death?
Point: 1
# if you want a multiplier based on all players
Enabled: false
#Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 1000
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 2
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 10
# if you want a multiplier based on a single player
Enabled: false
# Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 20
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 4
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 2
# Title challenge
- '&8'
- '&8▉▉&b▉▉▉&8▉▉▉&b▉▉'
- '&8▉&b▉▉&8▉▉▉▉&b▉▉▉ &7Dye Challenge'
- '&b▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉&b▉▉▉&8▉'
- '&b▉&8▉▉&6▉&8▉&b▉▉▉&8▉▉ &7Dye for receive points'
- '&b▉&8▉▉▉&6▉▉&b▉&8▉▉▉ &7(1 point for 1 death)'
- '&8▉▉▉▉&6▉▉&8▉▉▉▉ &7{hours} hours to the end of the challenge'
- '&8▉▉▉&6▉&8▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉'
- '&8▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉▉&6▉&8▉▉'
- '&8'
# Reward in blocks EX: IRON_INGOT:16 Type:Quantity
# Reward with command EX: [command]:give %player% TNT 1
- 'TNT:32'
➢ Add compatibility with CubeGenerator plugin (If you want a plugin compatibility or want to know more about CubeGenerator please feel free to contact me)
TypeChallenge: 'CubeGeneratorChallenge'
# How long do you want the challenge to last in hours ?
Time: 24
# Block you want break for challenge, if you want all blocks write ALL
Block: ALL
# Type of item in main hand for break this blocks, if you want all items write ALL
ItemInHand: ALL
# Able or disable Sneak when place Es. true or false or NOBODY
Sneaking: 'NOBODY'
# How many points you want give at break?
Point: 1
# if you want a multiplier based on all players
Enabled: false
#Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 10000
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 2
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 10
# if you want a multiplier based on a single player
Enabled: false
# Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 5000
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 4
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 2
# Title challenge
- '&8'
- '&8▉▉&b▉▉▉&8▉▉▉&b▉▉'
- '&8▉&b▉▉&8▉▉▉▉&b▉▉▉ &7Block Break CubeGenerator Challenge'
- '&b▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉&b▉▉▉&8▉'
- '&b▉&8▉▉&6▉&8▉&b▉▉▉&8▉▉ &7Break all type of block of CubeGenerator'
- '&b▉&8▉▉▉&6▉▉&b▉&8▉▉▉ &7for receive 1 point'
- '&8▉▉▉▉&6▉▉&8▉▉▉▉ &7{hours} hours to the end of the challenge'
- '&8▉▉▉&6▉&8▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉'
- '&8▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉▉&6▉&8▉▉'
- '&8'
# Reward in blocks EX: IRON_INGOT:16 Type:Quantity
# Reward with command EX: [command]:give %player% TOTEM_OF_UNDYING 1
➢ Bug Fix of tasks
Next Update in TODO List:
➢ More features for Dye Challenge
➢ Interface with all Challenges and some informations
➢ Add possibility to set multiply objects (Ex. BlockPlaceChallenge, now you can do this with only 1 block, with the update you can use multiple blocks) for some Challenges
➢ Add possibility to set 1 prize for each winner
If you find some bugs please don't hesitate to report them via spigotmc or discord, I will reply you as soon as possible And if you have any ideas I will be happy to listen to you.
See you at the next update