➢ Add possibility to set boost for single player in all challenges (if you want this feature recreate folder Challenges or add this in all files)
BlockBreaker # Challenge Name
Enabled: false
# Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 5000
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 4
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 2
➢ Add new Challenge called Jumper (if you want this feature recreate folder Challenges or add a file with name Jumper and paste this spoiler config)
TypeChallenge: 'JumpChallenge'
# How many points you want give at jump?
Point: 1
# if you want a multiplier based on all players
Enabled: false
#Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 50000
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 2
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 10
# if you want a multiplier based on a single player
Enabled: false
# Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 5000
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 4
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 2
# Title challenge
- '&8'
- '&8▉▉&b▉▉▉&8▉▉▉&b▉▉'
- '&8▉&b▉▉&8▉▉▉▉&b▉▉▉ &7Jump Challenge'
- '&b▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉&b▉▉▉&8▉'
- '&b▉&8▉▉&6▉&8▉&b▉▉▉&8▉▉ &7Jump for recive points'
- '&b▉&8▉▉▉&6▉▉&b▉&8▉▉▉ &7{hours} hours to the end of the challenge'
- '&8▉▉▉▉&6▉▉&8▉▉▉▉'
- '&8▉▉▉&6▉&8▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉'
- '&8▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉▉&6▉&8▉▉'
- '&8'
# Reward in blocks EX: IRON_INGOT:16 Type:Quantity
- 'EMERALD:16'
➢ Add new feature at ShootChallenge, if you want the player stay OnGround or InAir when shoot an Arrow (if you want this feature recreate folder Challenges or add this spoiler at file Shooter)
OnGround: 'NOBODY'
➢ Add new messages in config.yml for single player boost
➢ Add new Placeholders for PAPI (see section Placeholders on SpigotMc)
➢ Fix of old Placeholders
➢ Add new message at Brodcast for points remain of single player boost activation
➢ Bug Fix