Move the owner to Project Unified This is a separated branch of my work that handles projects with the common goal of "Unified libraries for popular projects"
Refactor the project structure to create new ways to use the library The wiki has changed. Check here
Make entities of Folia Hologram as temporary They would not be saved into the world data and would be removed the next time the server is started
Update DecentHolograms API Fix an incompatibility when parsing Item
Use Reflections to loose the coupling between HologramProvider modules Now if you want to shade the library, you have to shade both the common module and Provider modules of your choice
Add support for CMI It's not tested as I don't have a copy of CMI. I implemented it based on other developers' work, so issues are expected.
Optimize the algorithm of VanillaHologram to use existing entities This eliminates the flickering effect of the hologram by only removing and spawning necessary entities
Fix a thread check on the clear method of VanillaHologram Now it properly clears all entities