UltraBoomerangs | Create Custom & Unqiue Boomerangs | mcMMO & AuraSkills Support! icon

UltraBoomerangs | Create Custom & Unqiue Boomerangs | mcMMO & AuraSkills Support! -----

Supports Custom Model Data & Items from other plugins!

Version: 1.1.5
A great plugin and a good sociable developer. Added a feature that was missing. I advise everyone to try a new experience in combat. It looks wonderful.
Author's response
Thanks! If you have any suggestions or requests make sure to let me know!

Version: 1.1.1
Very awesome plugin, everything worl as intended. Dev actually cares about suggwstions.
Author's response
Thanks! I'm glad I was able to help!

Version: 1.0.8-Hotfix
is a good plugin. killed my horse with a flying death apple. would download again. ...also requested an addition. addition was addited. thanks you. This has been my review of the flying death apple. waiting for the ability to throw my horse at an apple.
Author's response
Hey, I'm glad you like the plugin and were able to throw a death apple at a horse, maybe someday I'll make it able to throw a horse at your death apple!

Version: 1.0.5
If you are sick of devs that don't care about their free plugins and how buggy they can be with your server, Abyss is the dev for you, he is hungry to please his clients, and has VERY quickly implemented changes that other plugins can take WEEKS to "look into" This plugin operates as designed, and is honestly just awesome!
Author's response
Hey, thanks for the review, literally touched by your words :), I'm glad you like it!

Version: 1.0.5
Really interesting plugin! A great addition for some RPG servers, or just as a fun addition to any survival server.
Author's response
Hey! Thanks for the review, I'm glad you like it. if you need anything, just let me know!

Version: 1.0.3-Hotfix
Great plugin, has exactly what I was looking for! I had a issue, and the developer had a fix within the day.
Author's response
Hey, thanks for the review, if you need anything else just let me know!

Version: 1.0.3
Great support in the discord server. Even got a requested feature within a few days.
Author's response
Glad to be able to help, and thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.1
Cool plugin but buggy and poorly optimized, when spamming the boomerang and dropping at the same time causes players to have an armor stand appear above their heads whenever they click, even without the boomerang in hand. Also found a possible dupe glitch regarding duplicating the boomerangs through different packets
Author's response
Hey, I'm sorry that you faced these issues, however, I was not able to replicate the 1st issue you specified on my test server, and you didn't really explain the packets exploit you could've found so no idea about that. Perhaps we could talk on discord ( https://discord.gg/mGwymZWGUf) and you could explain further so that I could replicate your issues and get a better understanding about them and fix them? Thanks.

Version: 1.0
This is an awesome funny plugin!
Could you make a auto-pickup boomerang?Or add a function that make yourself hurt when you failed to hold backing boomerang.
Author's response
Hey! Thanks for your review. I do plan to make an "effects system" for the boomerangs so that you can create custom boomerangs that do cool things when they hit entities, get thrown, come back..etc. I have a lot of ideas and I'll try to implement them soon :)

Version: 1.0
This is a great plugin, any part can be customized and the author does everything he says.
Worth 5 stars recommendation.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Appreciate it, you can contact me on discord if you need help with anything!

Version: 1.0
Small and simple plugin, fun for when you feel like spamming something, gives me fidget spinner vibes and I love it
Author's response
Hey, thanks a lot! I'm gald you like it :D

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,065
First Release: Oct 19, 2023
Last Update: Mar 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings