This version fixes an issue where the plugin would not work properly on some 1.20.6+ servers due to an error with the version handling code.
- Added the ability for boss bars to count up instead of down. (Wiki Page)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an NPE when the plugin is disabled.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where an NPE would occur when a player would leave the server on certain settings.
- Fixed a bug where an NPE would occur when the plugin was reloaded on certain settings.
- Added support for Minecraft 1.17.
- Changed the internal system for how BossBar announcements work.
- The progress of bar announcements can now be disabled.
- Player specific placeholders using PlaceholderAPI now work on bar announcements.
- Updated the config with a slightly new format. (The plugin should automatically update the config).
- Added tab completion to the ultrabar command.
- Added tab completion to the actionbar command.
- Added the ability to cancel a bar with a specific id for a certain player.
- 1.17+ no longer relies on NMS.
- The boss bar announcement will now appear first when the player joins the game.
- Fixed a bug where the WorldGuard extension would not work properly. (1.13+ only)
- Fixed a bug where /ultrabar hooks would not display the correct information on certain versions.
- Fixed a bug where the World Whitelist did not work properly.
- Fixed a memory leak with toggled players.
- Fixed an issue with PlaceholderAPI not working correctly on reload.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an error when a bar was created with no players.
- Fixed a bug where the timer would go negative before removing itself.
- Added support for Hex Color Codes on bars.
- Added the ability for persistent bars to be saved after reload or shut down. Saved bars will be loaded back in when the server starts up again.
- Made a few changes to the developer API.
- The plugin now supports 1.16.3 and 1.16.4.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the 'clear' parameter would not work.
- Changed some of the default config.yml settings to be more desirable.
Version Changes:
- Added support for 1.16.2.
- The "perm" parameter has been renamed to "persistent".
- Added the "permission" parameter. ("perm" is now an aliases for the permission parameter).
For more information about bar parameters,
click here.
- Added in two new placeholders for boss bars: %time_left% and %time_left_form%.
(Additional Details can be found here).
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the world whitelist would not work properly with the boss bar announcer.
- Fixed a bug where boss bars would have a delay before starting their countdown.
Additional Changes:
- Improved the Java Documentation.
Supported Versions:
- Added support for 1.16.1.
- Remove support for 1.11.
- Changed the title command to use the same system as the bar command.
(Wiki documentation)
- Added support for PlaceHolderAPI in the title command.
- Added support for hex color codes in all features. (Except ActionBars). To use Hex Colors put {#3B32EA} in front of the text like a normal color code. (1.16.1 only).
This is an example using the new title command:
Code (Text):
/utitle title:"{#3B32EA}This is blue!" subtitle:"&cColor codes still work!" player:*
- Added support for 1.15.
Notice for 1.15 users:
With 1.15 for some reason when there are more then one bar on the screen they look like this:
That is not a bug. It is like that in vanilla minecraft.
- Fixed a memory leak in the plugin.
- Added the ability to run a command after a bar's time runs out.
- Added the ability for developers to make their own bar parameters.
- Added an event for when a bar's time runs out.
- Added the ability for developers to store data in bars.
- Added the ability for developers to grab bars based upon their UUIDs.
- Changed the method used for deleting bars. (It is now located under the UltraBarAPI class).
(I forgot to disable debug messages the first time).
- Fixed a memory leak in the plugin.
- Added the ability to run a command after a bar's time runs out.
- Added the ability for developers to make their own bar parameters.
- Added an event for when a bar's time runs out.
- Added the ability for developers to store data in bars.
- Added the ability for developers to grab bars based upon their UUIDs.
- Changed the method used for deleting bars. (It is now located under the UltraBarAPI class).
The following changes/bug fixes have been made:
- Fixed a bug where bossbars displayed to all players would not be shown to players who join after the creation of the bar or reconnected.
- Fixed an error when the plugin was reloaded
- Changed the api method getActiveBars() to getTrackedBars() to better represent what the method does.
Change Log:
- Added an id system for use in the api. (Allows plugin developers to use the id system to make addons.)
- Fixed a bug where bars sent to all players were not tracked.
- Added in the clear: parameter. (clear:death or clear:world)
- Re-added back in worldguard support.
- Added a UBossBar API class to keep track of and edit active bars.
- Removed old deprecated api.
- Removed old bar command class.
- Updated the entire plugin to use the new bar api.
- Re-added the cancel command. (/ub cancel)
- Added a clear command. (/ub clear [player])
- Added some more api methods to the main api class.
Here is a major update! The way the /bar command works was completely redone! The api was also got a major over hall. The
wiki has been completely updated with the new information.
- Made /bar command work on parameters instead of predetermined places.
(See wiki article here)
- Changed the api for the bossbars.
- Added support for 1.14
- Updated the plugin to work with 1.13.1.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the world whitelist would not work.
(Issue #9)
This new update includes many new exciting features. They include:
- Action Bar announcement system.
- Title announcement system
- Death event.
- Command event. (When a player runs an event it displays a bossbar, actionbar, or title.)
- Bug fixes.
- And more.
Fixed an error that would occur when you do /ub reload.
Fixed an error where the bar announcements would not work correctly.
- Fixed a bug where there would be an error when the player joins. (
- Fixed a bug where there would be an error when the plugin disables. (
- Added a new feature so that you could disable the update checker. (
Fixed a bug where the plugin ignored if the bossbarmessages were disabled.
Fixed a major bug that ignored the world whitelist enabled. This caused the bar to only show in world.
I also improved how the bar message works. It no longer ends up at the bottom if another bar is created.
Here is what was change in 1.5.0.
- Support was dropped for 1.9 and 1.10 as no one used it.
- Support was added for 1.13.
- Moved the boss bar message config section out of the onjoin: section.
- Added a white list of worlds.
- Added the possibility for the messages to go in a random order.
- Added PlaceholderAPI support to the bossbarmessages and the onjoin section.
- Added the ability to change the length of the message per each message.
- Added support for 1.9 and 1.10!
- Added an update checker.
- Fixed a bug where players would not see bars sent before they joined (/bar sendall)
- Fixed a bug where /bar cancel would not work.
- Added an api class (me.ryandw11.ultrabar.api.UltraBarAPI). Includes Titles, ActionBars, and BossBars.
- Fixed a bug for 1.11 with the title. Titles should now work.
- Added an error catcher to the boss bar announcer. If you input something incorrectly it will tell you in the console without a stack trace.
As requested by
@HexedHero , bars can now last forever (except after reload, restart, or /bar cancel). To do this unstead of putting a time put -1.
Added bstats. Disable in the config with the option:
Code (YAML):
#bstats is where data is sent. .
#Here is some more information on it like what it collects and how to disable it all togeather and not just for this plugin.
: true
Change to false to disable.
- Fixed an error with the /bar sendall command. It should work properly now.
Added a world option to the sendall command. Adding this feature to the auto bossbar would take more time due to the current way this is programmed. I hope that update will come out soon.
- Fixed bug where if one player joins and then another player joins in a short time later, the join bar would show for the second player.
- Removed unused classes.
- Added /bar cancel. This removes all of the bars. Thank you
@HexedHero for the suggestion.
The bug where you do /ultrabar reload and it gives an error has been fixed.
Now when a player joins they get all public bars. (/bar sendall).
Thank you
@HexedHero for suggesting and reporting the bug to me.
+ Added 1.12 support.
- Removed 1.10 support due to API changes in 1.12.
= Changed code to spigot api for titles.
+ Added WorldGuard support so that regions will show on an action bar.
= Changed config to add this
+ Fixed errors in console on reload.
+ Fixed bars so that on reload they disappear.
All commands can now be done in the console.
Cleaned up the code.
Added a scheduler so that boss bars can run on a timer!
Expect more updates soon with more features!
Allowed the console to do the /bar command.
I complete re-coded the bar part of the plugin. I made it where it no longer needs dependencies. Whats new:
- Health option
- Redid the bar command design.
- Added support for 1.11 and 1.10 in the same jar.
- Updated the config.
- Re-coded in inner workings of the plugin.
- Changed the bar time from ticks to seconds.
If you found any bugs please notify me in a private message or in the discussion!
Removed a test beta feature that was causing errors.
I added support for 1.9.4. If you find any errors please tell me.