With this plugin you can allow your players to shout in the chat. It's easy to use, has many features and is fully configurable. You can create a format which allows you to set tooltips and commands on different parts of the formats.
This is the pro version of UltimateShout which can be found
Unlimited highly configurable shout formats.
Cooldown which is configurable per format
Sound which is configurable per format
Configurable shortcut to shout fast.
You can log all shouts in a separated log file.
In-game editor to edit your shout formats in-game.
Cooldown will not be shown in just seconds but will be formatted to seconds, minutes, hours and/or days.
UltimateShout Pro adds a WorldGuard flag called allow-shout which allows you to define if shout in a specific region is allowed or not.
If you want to allow shout in all worlds but don't want to add the name of every world you can just add 'all' to the allowedWorlds list.
UltimateShout Pro makes use of Adventure's MiniMessage. You can find more information on it's format
A useful tool for creating formats is:
MiniMessageViewer (kyori.net)
/shout <message>
/usp reload
/usp test <format>
/usp formats
ultimateshoutpro.shout.use # To make use of shout.
ultimateshoutpro.shout.<format> # This specifies your format.
ultimateshoutpro.shout.nocooldown # With this permission you bypass cooldown
ultimateshoutpro.shout.reload # With this permission you can reload the configurations files.
ultimateshoutpro.chatcolor # Gives permission to
allow color codes in shout messages
Code (YAML):
# Shows the player how to use the command. help: '<gray>Please use <gold>/shout <message>'
# The message the players receive when they are in cooldown cooldownMessage: '<gold>You''ll have to wait <cooldown> before shouting again.'
# With the shortcut you can allow players to just use <shortcut><message> in chat. # Example: !I'm shouting a nice message. If the shortcut is empty this feature is disabled shortcut: '!'
logShouts: false
allowedWorlds: - world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
all shoutNotAllowedWorld: '<red>Shout is not allowed in this world <world>.'
days: 'days'
day: 'day'
hours: 'hours'
hour: 'hour'
minutes: 'minutes'
minute: 'minute'
seconds: 'seconds'
second: 'second'
'[pos]': '<gold>World
: <white><player_world> <gold>X:<white><player_x> <gold>Y:<white><player_y> <gold>Z:<white><player_z>'
'[ping]': '<papi:player_colored_ping> ms'
':heart:': '<dark_red>❤'
Code (YAML):
# You can use the following placeholders in the formats: # <playername> # <displayname> # <player_world> # With Vault you can use: # <vault_prefix> # <vault_suffix> # <vault_rank> # <vault_prefix_color> # <vault_suffix_color> # If you have PlaceholderAPI installed you can use any available placeholder from PlaceholderAPI in here as well. Example: <papi:player_world>
# Note that sounds can differ with versions, so make sure that the sound you're using works on your server version. # You can find the sounds for the latest spigot version here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# Placeholders you can create to use in the chat format. # This will help you keep your chat formats clean and simple. placeholders:
shout_prefix: '<red><bold>|| <dark_red>SHOUT <red><bold>||'
displayname_with_click: '<click:suggest_command:
"/msg <playername> "><yellow><displayname></click>'
arrow_right: »
arrow_left: «
Code (YAML):
enabled: true
checkMuted: true
checkIgnore: true
chatIsMuted: <red>You cannot shout while the chat is muted!
enabled: true
checkMuted: true
checkIgnore: true
chatIsMuted: <red>You cannot shout while the chat is muted! The Chat is still
muted for <time>!
enabled: true
checkMuted: true
checkIgnore: true
enabled: true
checkMuted: true
checkIgnore: true
usePlaceholderAPI: true
antiswear: false
anticaps: false
antispam: false
antiad: false
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
notAllowed: <red>Shout is niet toegestaan in deze regio!
If you have any suggestion please use the discussion section to post your suggestion and not the review section.