UltimateCheatCheck  [1.12.2 - 1.20.6] icon

UltimateCheatCheck [1.12.2 - 1.20.6] -----

It seems like a good plugin for checking players for cheats

  • Добавлен OnSuspectAcquitted в разделе commands в конфигурации, позволяет выполнять указанные команды после признания игрока невиновным
  • Added OnSuspectAcquitted in the commands section of the configuration, allows you to execute specified commands after the player is found not guilty
----------, Jul 6, 2024

  • Поддержка 1.20.5 и 1.20.6
  • Исправлен баг при котором игрок видел Title после того как вышел с проверки и зашёл снова
  • /ucc confess команды больше нет! Ей на замену пришла обычная /confess, работает так же само.
  • /ucc contact команды больше нет! Теперь можно просто писать в чат и сообщения будут доставлены прямиком проверяющему!
  • Добавлена экспериментальная функция "Проверка на афк". Теперь, если на сервер установлен EssentialsX плагин, включена эта функция (experimental.afk-check) и игрок стоит в афк с помощью /afk - его нельзя будет вызвать на проверку. Но можно вызвать досрочно добавив в конец команды-вызова флаг "-f" или "-force" (Необходимо право ucc.start.force)
  • Добавлена экспериментальная функция "Отложенный вызов игрока на проверку". Теперь, добавив в конец команды флаг "-l" или "-later" можно при условии наличия у проверяющего права ucc.start.later можно добавить оффлайн игрока в "очередь" проверок, когда он зайдёт на сервер - будет моментально вызван на проверку. Чтобы сбросить очередь нужно либо перезайти проверяющему на сервер либо перезагрузить сам сервер. НЕ ВКЛЮЧАЙТЕ эту функцию если у вас есть плагин на аутнтификацию на сервере с UCC (Например: AuthMe или nLogin). НЕСТАБИЛЬНО!!!
  • Небольшая оптимизация кода
  • Минимальная версия Java 8 -> 16
Настоятельно рекомендую полностью обновить конфигурационные файлы (пересоздать их)!

  • 1.20.5 and 1.20.6 support
  • Fixed a bug where the player saw the Title after leaving the check and logging in again
  • The /ucc confess command is no more! It was replaced by the usual /confess, it works the same way.
  • The /ucc contact command is no more! Now you can simply write to the chat and the messages will be delivered directly to the inspector!
  • Added experimental function "Check for afk". Now, if the EssentialsX plugin is installed on the server, this function is enabled (experimental.afk-check) and the player is in afk using /afk - he cannot be called for cheat check. But you can call ahead of schedule by adding the “-f” or “-force” flag at the end of the call command (ucc.start.force right is required)
  • Added experimental function "Delayed calling a player for cheat check". Now, by adding the “-l” or “-later” flag to the end of the command, provided that the verifier has the ucc.start.later perm, you can add an offline player to the “queue” of checks; when he enters the server, he will be instantly called for cheat check. To reset the queue, you need to either re-login the inspector to the server or restart the server itself. DO NOT ENABLE this feature if you have an authentication plugin on server with UCC(For example: AuthMe or nLogin). UNSTABLE!!!
  • Minimum Java version 8 -> 16
I strongly recommend completely updating the configuration files (re-creating them)

Баги/Bugs - discord: kepchyk1101
----------, Jun 13, 2024

  • Added AntiRelog integration! PvP mode will be completed as soon as the inspector starts checking
  • Some code refactor
  • Добавлена интеграция AntiRelog! Режим пвп будет завершён как только проверяющий начнёт проверку
  • Небольшие улучшения кода
----------, Jun 10, 2024

  • New small-feature: Ability to run your own commands as a console when starting a scan. (new config property: OnCheckStart.Commands, %suspect% and %inspector% placeholders)
  • A little code refactor
  • Новая небольшая функция: Возможность запускать свои команды от имени консоли при запуске проверки. (Заполнители %suspect% и %inspector%. Новая настройка в конфиге: OnCheckStart.Commands)
  • Совсем немного рефактора
----------, May 24, 2024

  1. Added placeholder %moder% to punishments
  2. Fixed AutoTeleportModerToSuspect and AutoTeleportSuspect
  3. Compatibility with multiverse-inventories

  1. Добавлен запонлитель %moder% в команды наказаний
  2. Исправлен AutoTeleportModerToSuspect и AutoTeleportSuspect
  3. Поддержка multiverse-inventories (эффекты накидываются правильно)
----------, Apr 13, 2024

  • Fixed a bug where if a player used /ucc confess, he would be punished twice.
  • Fixed a bug where a player would be punished twice if their check timer expired.
  • Исправлен баг, при котором в случае использования игроком /ucc confess - его наказывало дважды.
  • Исправлен баг, при котором игрока наказывало дважды если его таймер проверки истёк.
----------, Apr 7, 2024

  • Now, when starting a check, the suspect can be teleported to a specified location in the configuration! (To do this: set AutoTeleportSuspect.enabled to true, set location coordinates to AutoTeleportSuspect.to)
  • Now, under suspect no forcibly will be set bedrock block
  • Now, the suspect will not be forcibly teleported to the central location of the block
If you suddenly have an error after the update, try updating (re-creating) the configuration file OR let me know (somehow, for example, in the kepchyk1101 discord)
----------, Mar 15, 2024

1.20.4 support & message placeholder fix
----------, Mar 12, 2024

I strongly recommend regenerating all your configuration files to fully see the result

Bug fixes:
  1. Fixed localization in AutoPunishments from russian to english
  2. Fixed a bug where if you try to pause a scan that is already paused, an error would appear.
  3. Fixed a bug where the player could not send a message with spaces to /ucc contact.
  4. Fixed a bug where the player could not use alternative commands for confess and contact.
  1. Added minimessage support! Incredible possibilities! (Rainbow text, Gradient text, Hoverable text, Clickable text, updated titles, bossbars etc. minimessage doc, minimessage web-constructor)
  2. Added a new setting: Automatic teleport of the moderator to the player during the start of the cheat check.
  3. The sound system has been slightly reworked. (Now, sounds are available only at the beginning of the test and at the end of the test with a verdict of not guilty)
  4. Modernized some messages (using minimessage).
  5. Added some comments in config.yml
----------, Nov 5, 2023

  • Fixed a bug in which a player, when declared innocent, was shown his nickname instead of the moderator's nickname. And vice versa
----------, Oct 15, 2023

  • Now the player will always be located in the center of the block at the beginning of the check, regardless of the server version

  • Now, if you don't want a sound to play when you damage a suspect, simply enter "none" instead of the sound. (sounds are planned to be improved)
Some dev info:
  • Some improvements in commands & subCommands system (maybe it will be API in future)
----------, Oct 8, 2023

  • Fixed a bug where, if the language code was incorrectly specified in the config, the standard localization file was not installed.
  • Now, if the message configuration contains a null value instead of a message, a warning message will be displayed.
  • Some fixes in Hungarian locale. (thx bedike16)
  • Some improvements in the code.
More detailed information about the changes to the code can be found here: >click<
----------, Oct 4, 2023

  • Added Ukrainian language (config + messages)
  • Added Hungarian language (messages only). Thanks "bedike16"
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow changing the message language in the plugin to something other than English
  • Fixed a small mistakes in cfgs
----------, Sep 29, 2023

  1. Added HEX colors support (Usage: &#123ABC)
  2. Small fixes
----------, Sep 28, 2023

Recommended update for all plugin users.
  1. System messages can no longer be customized. They are fixed in code and unchangeable.
  2. The plugin is now in English by default.
  3. The setting responsible for checking for a new version of the plugin has been redesigned and disabled by default
  4. Added server version checking: 1.13.2 and higher (during the check the player will stand exactly in the center of the block) and 1.13.1 and lower (the player will be on the edge of the block, I have not found a solution to this problem, so far)
  5. Fixed a problem where the plugin did not start on some versions (For example 1.13)
  6. Protection against emergency server shutdowns now works correctly
Some dev. notes:
  1. Comments have been added to the code in some places
  2. The code has been improved in some places (thanks LEDev)
----------, Sep 22, 2023

----------, Sep 19, 2023

added update version checker
----------, Sep 19, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,007
First Release: Sep 19, 2023
Last Update: Jul 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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