UltimatePlugin - Beta v1.0 UltimatePlugin is a
GUI-based home system that allows players to set, teleport to, and manage their homes through an easy-to-use menu. This is the
first beta version, and more features will be added soon!
Current Features: ✔️
Home System – Set, delete, and teleport to homes.
GUI-Based Home List – Browse and manage your homes with an intuitive menu.
Teleport Cooldown & Countdown – Prevent instant teleportation for a balanced experience.
Configurable Options – Customize settings through an in-game config menu.
⚡ Commands List: /sethome <name> – Set a home at your current location.
/home <name> – Teleport to a saved home.
/homelist – Open the GUI to manage your homes.
/delhome <name> – Delete a saved home.
/config – Open the plugin's configuration menu.