Placeholder API Leaderboard Support
With the addition of a leaderboard, placeholder api support has also been added. This is ideal for setting up a scoreboard hologram. Easily display the top 10 players on your leaderboard using the following placeholders:
Replace ? with the position you with to display. For example, if you wanted to show the name and score of first place, you'd use the following placeholders:
%ultimatebingo_overall_1_name% - %ultimatebingo_overall_1_score%
GUI for all players to join an existing game or get a replacement card.
/bingo gui
Used by an admin/mod to set up and start a new bingo game.
/bingo reload
Used by an op to reload the config file.
/bingo info
Accessible to all players. Gives you a rundown of the current bingo config.
/bingo leaderboard
View wins and games played for the top players on your server.
Allows players to configure and start Bingo games.
Grant access to stop an active bingo game.
Ability to add/remove items from the bingo card config