Ultimate Bingo icon

Ultimate Bingo -----

The only Bingo plugin you'll ever need with a whole variety of game options on offer!

Placeholder API Leaderboard Support

With the addition of a leaderboard, placeholder api support has also been added. This is ideal for setting up a scoreboard hologram. Easily display the top 10 players on your leaderboard using the following placeholders:


Replace ? with the position you with to display. For example, if you wanted to show the name and score of first place, you'd use the following placeholders:

%ultimatebingo_overall_1_name% - %ultimatebingo_overall_1_score%


GUI for all players to join an existing game or get a replacement card.​

/bingo gui
Used by an admin/mod to set up and start a new bingo game.​

/bingo reload
Used by an op to reload the config file.​

/bingo info
Accessible to all players. Gives you a rundown of the current bingo config.

/bingo leaderboard
View wins and games played for the top players on your server.​


Allows players to configure and start Bingo games.​

Grant access to stop an active bingo game.​

Ability to add/remove items from the bingo card config​
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 543
First Release: May 15, 2024
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings