TwitchChecker - Twitch Live Announcer For Velocity icon

TwitchChecker - Twitch Live Announcer For Velocity -----

Exclusive plugin for Velocity network


TwitchChecker is a versatile plugin designed to monitor the status of Twitch streamers and notify players in your Minecraft server when their favorite streamers go live. This plugin is perfect for community servers that want to stay connected with their streamers' activities and keep players informed in real-time.

  • Real-time Twitch Status Checks: Automatically checks the live status of specified Twitch streamers at configurable intervals.
  • In-game Notifications: Sends a formatted message to all online players when a streamer goes live, with clickable links to their Twitch channels.
  • Customizable Messages: Allows server administrators to customize the notification message with Minecraft color codes and formatting.
  • Language Support: Supports multiple languages for messages, enabling server administrators to add new language files and switch between them easily.
  • Easy Configuration: Simple to configure with all settings stored in an easy-to-edit config.yml file.
  • Commands: Includes commands to add and remove streamers from the list and reload the configuration without restarting the server.

Code (Text):

/tc reload

Description: Reloads the plugin configuration and language files.
Usage: /tc reload
/tc add <twitchUser> <minecraftNick>

Description: Adds a new streamer to the monitoring list.
Usage: /tc add twitch_user minecraft_nick
/tc remove <twitchUser>

Description: Removes a streamer from the monitoring list.
Usage: /tc remove twitch_user
Configuration (config.yml)
The configuration file config.yml controls the behavior of the TwitchChecker plugin. Below is an example configuration file with descriptions for each setting.

Code (Text):

    twitchUser: "twitch_user1"
    minecraftNick: "minecraft_nick1"
    twitchUser: "twitch_user2"
    minecraftNick: "minecraft_nick2"
check_interval: 180
client_id: "your_twitch_client_id"
access_token: "your_twitch_access_token"
live_message: '{minecraftNick} live in Twitch! ==>{streamer}'
lang: "en"
  • streamers: A list of streamers to monitor. Each entry should include the Twitch username (twitchUser) and the corresponding Minecraft username (minecraftNick).
  • check_interval: The interval (in seconds) at which the plugin checks the status of the streamers.
  • client_id: Your Twitch application's client ID.
  • access_token: Your Twitch application's access token.
  • live_message: The message sent to players when a streamer goes live. Supports Minecraft color and formatting codes.
  • lang: The language file to use for messages. Default is en (English).

Language File (en.yml)
The language file en.yml contains all the messages used by the plugin. This allows for easy localization and customization of messages.

Code (Text):

reload: "TwitchChecker configuration reloaded and task rescheduled."
add_success: "Streamer added: {twitchUser} with Minecraft nickname: {minecraftNick}"
add_fail: "Streamer already exists: {twitchUser}"
remove_success: "Streamer removed: {twitchUser}"
remove_fail: "Streamer not found: {twitchUser}"
load_fail: "Failed to load config file"
save_fail: "Failed to save config file"
create_default: "Default config file created at {path}"
create_fail: "Failed to create default config file"
create_dir_fail: "Failed to create config directory"
connect_fail: "Failed to connect to Twitch API: {responseCode}"
error_response: "Error Response: {errorResponse}"
check_error: "Error checking streamer {twitchUser}"
  • Stay Connected: Keep your community connected with their favorite streamers' activities.
  • Customizable: Fully customizable messages and settings to fit the needs of your server.
  • Language Support: Easily add and switch between different languages for messages.
  • Real-time Notifications: Receive immediate notifications when streamers go live, ensuring players never miss a moment.
  • Easy Management: Simple commands to manage streamers and configurations without needing to restart the server.

TwitchChecker is an essential tool for any Minecraft server looking to integrate Twitch streaming updates and keep the community engaged. Enjoy seamless integration and real-time updates with TwitchChecker!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 120
First Release: Jun 27, 2024
Last Update: Jul 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings