Twitch Connect is the ultimate Minecraft plugin designed to bridge your Minecraft server with Twitch chat. With Twitch Connect, players can seamlessly integrate their Twitch chat experience directly into the game, bringing a new level of interaction and engagement to your server. Whether you're a streamer looking to involve your audience or a player wanting to keep up with chat, Twitch Connect is the perfect addition to your Minecraft world.
Twitch Chat Integration: Connect your Minecraft chat to your Twitch channel, allowing in-game players to see and interact with Twitch chat messages.
Configurable Blocklists: Block certain phrases, words, and users from appearing in the Minecraft chat to maintain a friendly environment.
Command-Based Control: Use simple commands to connect or disconnect from Twitch channels, and check the connection status of players.
Customizable Messages: Personalize the messages sent to players when they connect or disconnect from a Twitch channel, as well as the format of Twitch messages in-game.
Permission-Based Access: Ensure only authorized players can connect to Twitch channels and use admin features.
/twitchchat [channel]: Connect to a specified Twitch channel.
Usage: /twitchchat <channel>
Example: /twitchchat mychannel
Permission: twitchchat.use
/twitchchat disconnect: Disconnect from the currently connected Twitch channel.
Usage: /twitchchat disconnect
Permission: twitchchat.use
/twitchchatcheck [player]: Check which Twitch channel a player is connected to.
Usage: /twitchchatcheck <player>
Example: /twitchchatcheck PlayerName
Permission: twitchchat.admin
twitchchat.use: Allows players to connect to or disconnect from a Twitch channel.
twitchchat.admin: Allows players to use admin features and check connection statuses.
Easily configure the plugin by editing the
config.yml file:
blocked-users: List of usernames whose messages should be blocked from being posted in Minecraft chat.
blocked-phrases: List of phrases that should be blocked if they appear in a message.
blocked-words: List of words that should be blocked if they appear in a message.
blocked-prefix: Prefix that, if present at the start of a message, should block the message from being posted (e.g., "!").
Code (YAML):
blocked-users: - Nightbot
- ExampleUser
blocked-phrases: - example phrase
- another phrase
blocked-words: - badword
- anotherbadword
blocked-prefix: "!"
For support and updates, please visit our
support server.