Despite lots of testing there may still be some more bugs with the new permissions. If you can find any please report them to me via Discord, Discussion or Spigot PM. Thanks!
You can now start individual tutorials via command with extra permissions (not only forcestart for other players)
Completely rewrote the command system for more intuitive usage
/tutorials - View all tutorials you can start by command
/tutorial <tutorial> [player] - Start the tutorial for you or a certain player
/tutedit <tutorial> - Create / Edit a tutorial
/tutedit - View all tutorials / Reload the plugin / Force-save tutorials
Fixed playsound-action only allowing a decimal as the pitch (@Tirco)
Changed the permissions! Check them out on the main site
Changed the "wrong-syntax" message and added "command-not-for-console" and "only-start-following-tutorials"
Code (Text):
command-not-for-console: '&4This command can''t be executed from the console.'
only-start-following-tutorials: 'You can start the following tutorials:'
- '&7[&6&lTutorial&r&7] &cWrong syntax!'
- '&c» &7/tutorials &8| &7View all tutorials you can start'
- '&c» &7/tutorial <tutorial> [player] &8| &7Start a tutorial for you or another player'
- '&c» &7/tutedit <tutorial> &8| &7Create / Edit a tutorial'
- '&c» &7/tutedit &8| &7Overview of every tutorial / Reload the plugin / Force-save tutorials'
- '&c» &7/abort &8| &7Exit the chat input'