TutorialCreator - The Ultimate Tutorial Solution! icon

TutorialCreator - The Ultimate Tutorial Solution! -----

Guide your players with tutorials. Keep them engaged.

Make your server stand out with custom tutorials.
Why should every server use tutorials?
When a new player joins your Minecraft server, it's important to quickly explain what your server is all about. Tutorials effectively engage players and encourage them to stay. Introduce parts of your server, step-by-step over the course of the player's game experience.
1. Create the Tutorial
  • Create the Tutorial
    Enter the command /tutedit <tutorialname> to create a new tutorial.
2. Add Actions
  • Open the Tutorial GUI
    Use the command /tutedit <tutorialname> to open the tutorial's GUI.
  • Select an Action
    Through the GUI, add actions such as teleportation, messages, or titles. Thankfully, super easy in the GUI, no need for editing any configs.
  • Set Delays
    In the GUI, you can also set delays for the actions.
  • Edit Individual Actions
    Click on an individual action in the GUI to edit it. You can move, delete, or test the action individually.
3. Test the Tutorial
  • Start the Tutorial
    Use /tutorial <tutorialname> to test your entire tutorial.
  • Use the GUI for Testing
    Alternatively, you can start and test the tutorial directly through the GUI.
With these steps, you can quickly and easily create and configure tutorials for your Minecraft server. Thanks to the intuitive GUI, tedious editing of configuration files is eliminated, and you can tailor your tutorials to the specific needs of your players.



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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 530
First Release: Feb 26, 2018
Last Update: Nov 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
24 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings