TutorialCreator - The Ultimate Tutorial Solution! icon

TutorialCreator - The Ultimate Tutorial Solution! -----

Guide your players with tutorials. Keep them engaged.

TutorialCreator v1.5.0 | HUGE UPDATE!!!
Finally I can announce the new TutorialCreator Update v1.5!
After collecting lots of information about requested features, searching for existing bugs and making many thoughts about what to implement next I spend the last month in realizing this update! So here are the most important parts of this update and a list of every news
The new GUI:
The new tutorial-list-GUI provides more clarity by listing every existing tutorial in a new GUI. There you can RELOAD the config or the tutorial file by clicking the specific item. Also you can now force-save your edited tutorials. With a simple click on a tutorial you get back in the well-known editing-inventory. You open the inventory with the command /tutorials or /tuts and the permission still is tutorialcreator.edit.

To ensure more efficient support in the future you can from now on also contact me via my Discord-server where you can get replies more quickly and help each other.

The Overview Site:
The new overview site presents the plugin in a more graphic way and the persisting color scheme creates a clear appearance. It also gives faster access to the new support possibilities Discord and Spigot PM.

Data loss protection:
The new Data loss protection prevents errors when server-administrator edit tutorials parallel. If you every try to edit a tutorial which currently is opened by someone else you get a warning message.
New Overview Inventory
Plugin presentation site completely redesigned
Config reload function
Tutorial force-save function
Tutorial load function
New Discord Server
Protection against lost data by editing tutorials simultaneously
Messages are now separately saved from the tutorials (config.yml / tutorials.yml)
Many minor code improvements and bug fixes
To update just replace the current plugin file and add the new messages from the spoiler below into the config. The plugin should automatically import your tutorials into a new file. For safety reasons make a backup before you update.

If you like what I did and appreciate my work - rate this update 5 stars :)
And if you have any problems: just contact me!
Code (Text):
- '&7[&6&lTutorial&r&7] &cWrong syntax!'
- '&c» &7/tutorials &8| &7Lists all tutorials in a fancy GUI'
- '&c» &7/tutorial <name> &8| &7Edit a specific tutorial'
- '&c» &7/tutorial <name> <player> &8| &7Start the tutorial for a specific player'

  reloaded-tutorials: 'Successfully loaded &c%count% &7tutorials.'
  reloaded-messages: 'Successfully reloaded the config file.'
  saved-tutorials: 'Successfully saved the tutorials.'
  inv-closed-because-reload: '&cYour inventory needed to be closed because of an reload.'
  only-one-tut-editor: '&cYou can''t open a tutorial simultaneously. Currently opened by: %player%'
----------, Nov 19, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 529
First Release: Feb 26, 2018
Last Update: Nov 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
24 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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