/tridentlauncher:reload - reload the config.yml file
trident.launch - permission to launch while holding a trident
trident.reload - permission to reload the config.yml file
Code (YAML):
# ============================================ # Messages # ============================================ message: # Prefix message prefix: "&8[&2Trident Launcher&8] " # Reload message reload: "&aReloaded" # No permission message, showed up for "trident.reload" permission no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission"
# ============================================ # Spawn a particle when the player uses the trident # ============================================ particle: # Enable launch particle enabled: true
# Check this link for the available particle list # https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.20.4/org/bukkit/Particle.html # Some of them may break the plugin, be careful. type: TOTEM
# Set the particle amount # Keep it low for better performance. amount: 2
# Set the particle speed speed: 0.1
# ============================================ # Play a sound when the player uses the trident # ============================================ sound: # Enable launch sound enabled: true
# Check this link for an available sound list # https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.20.4/org/bukkit/Sound.html type: ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_3
# Set sound volume volume: 1.0
# Set sound pitch pitch: 1.0
# ============================================ # Set which hand can use the trident launch # ============================================ toggle-hand: # Enable main hand main-hand: true
# Enable offhand off-hand: true
# ============================================ # Trident launcher usage settings # ============================================ trident: # Multiply the launch speed launch-speed: 2.0
# Toggle if the player needs riptide enchantment to use the trident launcher need-riptide: true
# Toggle if the player needs "trident.launch" permission to use the trident launcher need-permission: false