A lightweight trash can plugin that allows you to open a GUI interface by typing a command. Items placed in the interface will be automatically cleared when the interface is closed.
It supports customizable trash can types: Chest, Hopper, and Dispenser.
Command Help
/trash - Opens the trash can GUI for yourself.
/trash open <id> [-s] - Opens the trash can GUI for a specified player. Add -s to suppress confirmation messages.
/trash reload - Reloads the configuration file.
Permissions List
trashbin.open - Allows opening the trash can.
trashbin.open.other - Allows opening the trash can for other players.
trashbin.reload - Allows reloading the configuration file.
Configuration File
Code (YAML):
# Trash can GUI type; supports CHEST, DISPENSER, HOPPER gui-type: "DISPENSER" # Name displayed in the top-left corner of the trash can GUI gui-title: "Trash Can"
# Language configuration messages:
no-permission: "&8[&cTrashBin&8] &7You do not have permission to use this command" no-player: "&8[&cTrashBin&8] &7The specified player is not online or does not exist" opened: "&8[&cTrashBin&8] &7Successfully opened the trash can for player &f{player}" reloaded: "&8[&cTrashBin&8] &7Configuration file reloaded" help: "&8[&cTrashBin&8] &7Command usage: &f/trash <id/open/reload> [id] [-s]"