There were many issues with the last update I do appreciate you guys for using it however please don't use it. There were so many issues in it and it wasn't ready to fully be released I apologize for publishing it. This update has fixed all those issues - Listed below!
- Kong Pet will be removed please don’t use this on your server it’s very buggy and world guard doesn’t support 1.11+ It does, it’s just the API is different on every version, meaning it will be very messy to have - Fixed issue when taking damage with the pet it sends a message.
This version should have fixed some issues you've been getting.
In this update we have added and fixed whats listed below.
- Fixed issues with LootLlamaPet type - Changed the type for lootllamaPet to CHANCE_COMMAND - Added a new pet 'Sheep Pet' - You can now make your own chance based command pet using 'CHANCE_COMMAND' -'removed broadcasted messages on latest version'