TradeMe with API to create custom trades (1.7.10-1.21.x) icon

TradeMe with API to create custom trades (1.7.10-1.21.x) -----

Trade by Items/Money/Exp/McMMO/Jobs exp/Residence/GriefPrevention

Placeholders and NBT
  • Fixing issue with blacklisted lore not being taken into consideration and player was able to trade blacklisted items. This will require CMILib to be updated to take full effect.
  • Fix for quickbar lock not working as it should. This is relating to previous issue fix as its originating from same bug
  • Fix for accepted trade buttons showing wrong messages
  • Added initial placeholderAPI support.
  • New placeholder as %trademe_user_hasTradeToggledOn% which will return true or false depending if player accepts trades or not. If you have list of placeholders you would want to see please make a ticket with full list and basic explanation what each of them should return.
  • Added option to block item trade by its NBT path. This only checks if NBT path exists and not what contents of it we have. You can use this to block special items with special custom NBT entries, avoid using generic ones like 'display.Name' which would block trading items with custom name, unless you actually need this
  • Extra message for item being blocked from trade will be shown in UI title section, just to be more noticable why you can click on specific item to trade it. We still have action bar message, but that one can be hard to see in some situations
  • Removed few lines from locale file to redirect and use them from CMILib which is more centralized place for it.
  • Fixing support for new WorldGuard API causing errors
----------, Aug 2, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,021
First Release: May 29, 2015
Last Update: Nov 11, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
115 ratings
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