Trade Proxy | Trading across Servers icon

Trade Proxy | Trading across Servers -----

Connects your entire network for trading | TradeSystem extension


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This plugin allows you to...
  • trade across your servers
  • manage your servers into trade groups
    • allows specific server types (like survival servers etc.) to trade only internally in its trade group
  • separate your servers to split performance power
  1. Since this plugin is made for your proxy, you will also need to install the corresponding Spigot plugin which can be downloaded here for free (needs at least v2.0.0).
  2. Download Trade Proxy and place it in your plugins folder on your proxy (BungeeCord or Velocity)
  3. Start your proxy
  4. Configuration
    • Every server needs to be linked to a trade group which only allows players to trade in their server group. Trade requests to players on servers in other trade groups will automatically be cancelled.
    • You can either add them all for yourself or use the option "Merge_unlisted" to add all unlisted servers to one big group.
  5. Reload Trade Proxy with /tradesystemproxy reload (/tsp reload) to synchronize your updated groups to all underlying Spigot servers.
  • /TradeSystemProxy
    • Permission: tradesystem.modify
    • Alias: /tsp
  • /tsp help
    • Shows the help of the main command.
  • /tsp reload
    • Reloads all trade groups from the configuration file and synchronizes them with all underlying Spigot servers.
If you have any problems with my plugin, contact me at one of the following places:
I will answer as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding

By purchasing my plugin you agree to the following conditions:
  • You are not allowed to resell or redistribute this plugin.
  • You are not allowed to claim this plugin as your own.
  • There are no refunds.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 82
First Release: May 28, 2021
Last Update: Jul 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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