plugin that adds a 100% editable bossbar that shows your server's TPS
this plugin is perfect for small servers where TPS fluctuates
Now this plugin works only for some versions if you want support for other just ask me
you can edit everything in the config!
TpsToStart: 18 #The bossbar will show if TIP drop below or they will be this number. if you give a number larger than 20, sometimes it may show more than 20TPS because the server wants to speed up to avoid lag (like 41TPS).
colors: #here you can add custom colors and when they should be displayed (if you want more u can copy ant paste config1, DO NOT REPEAT THE NAME)
#tps - the settings activate if TPS are higher or equal than this number.
!!!MAKE SURE TPS ARE IN ORDER FROM LARGEST TO SMALLEST!!! #color - Color of the boosbar #textColor - Color of the text #text - you can add custom text LOL (%tps% is a server tps, you can add ยง to change text color)