ToolStats is a small plugin that display various stats about tools. This plugin is inspired off of
GearStats. You can disable/enable which stats are shown on which tools via the config. Note: stats are tracked regardless of config setting. The config is to disable the lore on the item.
Here is everything it tracks:
- Blocks mined (pickaxes, shovels, axes, hoes, shears)
- Crops mined (hoes)
- Player/mob kills (swords, axes, tridents, bows/crossbows)
- Ownership of items when crafted, looted (from chests), traded, spawned via creative, and caught from fishing.
- Armor damage taken.
- Fish caught.
- Sheep sheared.
- Arrows shot (bows/crossbows)
The best part is, this data is stored on the item itself. You can also change how the lore is displayed on the items!
If item lore is ever incorrect/missing, you can run /toolstats reset. This command fixes the lore on whatever item you are holding.
Visit the
wiki for help.
This plugin is released under GNU General Public License v3. See