ToastedWarps - WIKI
Command Permissions:
Command: /setwarp
Permission: toastedwarps.setwarp
Description: Set a warp
Command: /warp
Permission: toastedwarps.warp
Description: Access to the warp command
Command: /warpp <player> <warp>
Permission: toastedwarps.warpp
Description: Warp other player
Command: /delwarp
Permission: toastedwarps.delwarp
Description: Delete a warp
Command: /warplist
Permission: toastedwarps.listwarps
Description: List all warps
Command: /warpreload
Permission: toastedwarps.reload
Description: Reload the plugin
Command: /warpinfo
Permission: toastedwarps.warpinfo
Description: Get warp info
Warp Permissions:
How do I give players permission to teleport to a SPECIFIC warp?
It's very simple, to be able to teleport to a warp you need permission:
You have the warp "crates" then the permission would be toastedwarps.crates
Supported Versions:
1.11 - 1.21.x
Spigot, Bukkit, Paper, Folia
If you have PlaceholderAPI installed, the following placeholders are available to you:
%toastedwarps_total% - How many warps you have in total
More Placeholder's are coming soon!