TimerSeller icon

TimerSeller -----

Item Seller with Active/Rest Timer


- Item Seller with Active/Rest Timer

TimerSeller is a simple and functional plugin for Minecraft that allows players to sell their items via a convenient GUI (double chest) and introduces a timed schedule for the seller's activity. The plugin is fully integrated with Vault for economy handling and works with any economy plugin.

Plugin Features:
- /sell Command: Opens a double chest GUI where players can place items they want to sell.
- Vault Integration: Automatically pays players for items sold based on the prices set in the configuration.
- Seller Active/Rest Timer: The seller operates on a fixed schedule — active for one hour, then resting for one hour, and repeats.
- Automatic Item Removal: Items not listed in the configuration are removed from the GUI upon closing without any payment.
- Flexible Configuration: Set prices for items and adjust the seller's active/rest interval via the configuration file.
- Plugin Reload Command: Admins can quickly reload the plugin configuration and reset the seller's timer using /ts reload.

Plugin Commands:
/sell — Opens the GUI for selling items. If the seller is resting, the player will see a message indicating the seller is unavailable.
/ts reload — Reloads the plugin configuration and resets the seller's timer. Available to players with administrative permissions.

Configuration (config.yml):
Code (Text):
  STONE: 10.0
  DIAMOND: 100.0
  GOLD_INGOT: 50.0

# The seller's work interval (in hours)
interval_hours: 1

  seller_active: "The seller is now active."
  seller_resting: "The seller is currently resting."
  sell_not_a_player: "This command can only be used by a player."
  sell_resting: "The seller is currently resting."
  sell_success: "You have sold items for a total of: %amount% $."
  sell_nothing: "You didn't sell any items."
  no_permission: "You don't have permission to execute this command."
  config_reloaded: "Configuration reloaded."
How the Plugin Works:
When a player types the /sell command, a double chest GUI opens, allowing them to place items they wish to sell.
Upon closing the GUI, the plugin checks which items were added:
If the item is listed in the configuration, the player will be paid accordingly.
If the item is not listed, it will be removed without any payment.
The seller operates on a timer: 1 hour of active work followed by 1 hour of rest. If a player tries to sell items while the seller is resting, they will see a message informing them of this.

Download the TimerSeller plugin.
Place the JAR file into your server's plugins folder.
Make sure you have Vault and an economy plugin (such as EssentialsX) installed.
Restart your server to activate the plugin.
Customize the config.yml to set item prices and adjust the seller's active/rest interval as needed.

Vault (for economy integration).
An economy plugin (such as EssentialsX).
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 23
First Release: Oct 22, 2024
Last Update: Oct 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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