In this simple plugin whenever a day passes by it automatically checks the config.yml to see if a command is configured to execute or not.
When the server starts it automatically defaults to day 0. So day 1 won't occur until the next sunrise.
This plugin is great if you want to run events that need to have commands ran on a certain day. You can add as many days as you want to the config and keep things interesting!
Code (Text):
- days: 2
- say 2 days have passed!
- give @a minecraft:diamond
- days: 4
- say 4 days have passed!
- give @a minecraft:emerald
reset-days-after-action: false
You can also reset the day timer by using the command:
/resetdays - timedevents.resetdays (OP Default)
Days will now be saved in a .txt file to keep track of days that pass even if the server restarts.