Tiktok Bedrock box [TNT by Tiktok Gift] 1.21 icon

Tiktok Bedrock box [TNT by Tiktok Gift] 1.21 -----

Popular tiktok game - bedrock box

1. Set up the game
Select a location within the game world for creating the box on the server. It should be within the playable area (not too high in the clouds and not beyond the bedrock layer where Y coordinates are around -100).

Enter the command /bedrock create . A box will appear around you, and you will be standing on its floor. Creating the box will destroy all blocks within a radius of 11 blocks around you.

Switch to creative mode. This can be done by the server administrator using the command /gamemode creative or by holding down the F3+F4 keys.

Fill the box with any blocks. Fill the box completely to activate the timer. To quickly check if the timer will work, you can enter the command /bedrock fill.

2. Connect Minecraft Server To TikTok Live
To connect to TikTok, you can use StreamToEarn or other programs. If you're using StreamToEarn, there's already a ready-made template available. You can simply copy it and start using it. For more detailed instructions on how to use StreamToEarn, you can refer to the "Tutorial" page within the StreamToEarn program itself.
  • /bedrock create - Create a BedRock box. It will also start a timer when the box is full.
  • /bedrock create (Size) (Height) - Create a BedRock box with custom size. Size - min 3. For example, 3 is 3x3, 5 is 5x5, 7 is 7x7. Height - min 9, max: 21, quality: 9, 12, 15, 18, 21.
  • /bedrock stop - Stop the Timer.
  • /bedrock fill - Fill the boxes with the required blocks.
  • /bedrock fill (number) - Fill the boxes with the required blocks by rows. (number) is count of rows to place blocks
  • /bedrock clear - Will free the box from all blocks.
  • /bedrock tnt (name) - Summons a TNT with a name (if specified) in a random location above the box, falls, and explodes.
  • /bedrock delete - Delete the Bedrock Box and stop tracking the game timer.
  • /bedrock glass - Replace walls and floor with glass blocks.
  • /bedrock wood - Replace walls and floor with wood blocks.
  • /bedrock timer (Number) - Set a new time for the timer to win.
  • /bedrock edit - blocks the destruction of the box blocks (walls, floor) by hand. if you run it a second time, it unblocks
  • /bedrock autoreplace - disables/enabled the box can be filled with any blocks.
  • /bedrock fireworks - disables/enabled fireworks when TNT explodes.
  • /bedrock tp - teleports you to the top of the box wherever your character is.
  • /bedrock rock - Set bedrock blocks walls and floor.
  • /bedrock set_block_interaction_range (number) - The distance a player can reach with his hand.
  • /bedrock disableknockback - disables/enabled tnt nockback for player
  • /bedrock randomtnt - Spawns TNT with a random force.
  • /bedrock supertnt (number_count) (number_power) - Spawns custom power TNT.
  • /bedrock glass_prison (number_seconds) - Teleport the player in a prison above the box for a specified number of seconds.
  • /bedrock faketnt - Spawns fake tnt.
  • /bedrock weaktnt - Tnt that destroy only 1 block.
  • /bedrock lightning - Destroy layer of blocks with lightning.
  • /bedrock fillblock 1 - add single (or more if other number is used) block into the box

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 414
First Release: Jan 7, 2025
Last Update: Feb 8, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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