A line of the source code has been changed to satisfy a request from the SpigotMC administration. This line of source code (which has been present for 6 years) has never been and will still never be executed for any normal use of the plugin (it has only been and is still only executed when editing the JAR file of the plugin, which is illegal according to the Terms of Service). To be clear, there was no malicious intent in this line of code, and it could not be exploited to cause harm to users of the plugin. The full discussion of this request can be found here: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/tigerreports.160678/page-50#post-4681458
Version 1.6.5 - Requires TigerReports 5.0 or greater
Made TigerReportsSupports compatible with the new version 5.0 of TigerReports (older version of TigerReportsSupports are not compatible with that new version).
Added details in reports status displayed in Discord alerts (the staff who marked the report as "in progress", the punishment applied when processing a report, ...).
Version 1.6.3 - Requires TigerReports 4.13.1 or greater
Added details of the status of a report in Discord alerts (there is now the same information displayed as in the Minecraft GUI, ie the processor staff, the punishment applied and the appreciation given (True, uncertain or false) for done reports), using the TigerReports details messages. (thanks to thiagogebrimm for suggesting it).
Added Config: Discord: Thumbnail setting in config.yml file to allow the modification of the image displayed at the top right corner of Discord alerts (thanks to Amgelo563 for suggesting it on GitHub). This setting can for example allow to display the skull of the reported player by putting it to https://cravatar.eu/avatar/_Reported_/64.png.
Added Config: Discord: NotifyOnlyLocalReports setting in config.yml file in order to be able to install TigerReportsSupports plugin on all Spigot servers and therefore remove the necessity to have at least 1 player to receive BungeeCord notifications. This is not the recommended way of using the plugin. (thanks to many people for reporting the flaw of BungeeCord).
Added editable Alert: Message text message before report alerts in order to be able to tag peoples for example (thanks to @ItzFlip for the suggestion).
Added Status field in reports on Discord (thanks to @fangster for the suggestion). The field name can be changed with DiscordMessages: Alert: Status message in messages.yml file.
Version 1.5.1 - Requires TigerReports 4.9.1 or higher
The color of reports on Discord is now updated with the status of the report (keeping the colors of the in-game menu) (thanks to @Siphondor for the suggestion).
Removed the green check emoji on processed reports (not anymore useful).
Version 1.5 - Requires TigerReports 4.9 or higher
Added process notifications (thanks to @TwerkRekt for the suggestion). The message DiscordMessages:Report-processed is used for each notification. A green check emoji is added to the report alert on Discord when it is processed:
Added the Config: Discord: PlayingStatus setting in config.yml file to change the "Playing at ..." game activity message (under the bot name) on Discord (thanks to @marlon233 for the suggestion).
Version 1.3 - Requires TigerReports 4.3 or higher
Added managers list to restrict the use of /tigerreports command to desired users (Look at default config here). The new message DiscordMessages: No-permission comes with this.
Connection and disconnection messages can now be disabled by putting an empty message ("") in messages.yml file (thanks to @marlon233 for the suggestion).