Warning: If you use a MySQL database, the type of the column 'author' of table 'tigerreports_comments' must be changed to varchar(255). Click here to see how to do it (and adapt it with 'author' column in place of 'reporter_uuid').
Added support of prefixes and suffixes of the chat of Vault plugin which are supported by permissions plugins like LuckPerms. New settings have been added in config.yml file to choose to display prefixes and suffixes for staff and/or for reported and reporting players. (thanks to @ItzFlip for suggesting it).
Added support of hex colors of 1.16+ Spigot servers. You can set colors in messages.yml file with the &x&F&F&F&F&F&F format for #FFFFFF hex color with & set as Config: ColorCharacter in config.yml file.
Fixed small issues of display introduced by previous updates.