Minecraft Spigot plugin that allows you to play Tic Tac Toe game in inventory-based GUI. * Custom messages are supported.
- /ttt info — shows info about commands. - /ttt invite <player> — invite a player to play. - /ttt accept — accept the invite to play. - /ttt reload — reload the config.
- tictactoe.admin — Allows to reload the plugin (with /ttt reload) - tictactoe.invite(true by default) — Allows a player to invite other players to play (with /ttt invite <player>) - tictactoe.accept(true by default) — Allows a player to accept other player's invites (with /ttt accept)
Default config:
Code (YAML):
items: # See full list on https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html "first": "BLUE_DYE" "second": "WHITE_DYE" misc: # Determines if a firework will be spawned # for winner "spawnFireworkForWinner": true
# Determines if in chat will appear a message # that tells about someone won against someone in Tic Tac Toe "broadcastWinEnabled": false
# Determines if in chat will appear a message # that tells about two players had a draw in Tic Tac Toe "broadcastDrawEnabled": false
"prefix": "&#F0F8FF[TicTacToe] &r" "info": "ľCE7Info:\n ľCE7/ttt invite <Player>&#F0F8FF - invite a player to play tic tac toe\n ľCE7/ttt accept&#F0F8FF - accept play request" "broadcast-win-message": "ľCE7%s won against %s!" "broadcast-draw-message": "ľCE7%s and %s have a draw!" "only-players": "&#CF1020Only players can use this command." "command-not-found": "&#CF1020Command wasn't found! Maybe you don't have enough permissions?" "provide-a-name": "&#CF1020Provide the name of a player to invite!" "player-wasnt-found": "&#CF1020Player wasn't found!" "cant-send-to-yourself": "&#CF1020You can't send a request to yourself!" "receiver-does-not-have-enough-permissions": "&#CF1020This player doesn't have enough permissions to accept your play request!" "previous-request-was-deleted": "&#FECB00Your previous request was deleted!" "request-sent-successfully": "ľCE7The request was sent &nsuccessfully&rľCE7!" "received-a-request": "ľCE7You have received a request to play from &#F0F8FF%sľCE7!\nType &n/ttt accept&rľCE7 to accept!" "request-to-play-wasnt-found": "&#CF1020The request wasn't found!" "request-was-accepted": "EE53FYour play request was accepted!" "you-accepted-request": "EE53FYou've accepted the request from %s." "you-won": "EE53FYou won the game against &n%sEE53F!" "you-lost": "&#CF1020You lost against &n%s&#CF1020!" "game-ended-draw": "&#FECB00Game ended draw!" "opponent-aborted-game": "ľCE7Your opponent aborted the game! EE53F&nYou are the winner!" "you-aborted-game": "&#CF1020You've aborted the game! You lost."
# Gui messages (that are shown in game inventory) "gui-prefix": "[TTT] " "gui-player's-turn": "%s's turn!" "gui-draw": "Draw!" "gui-player-won": "%s won!"
# Admin messages "plugin-reloaded": "ľCE7Plugin was reloaded!" "failed-to-reload": "&#CF1020Plugin was failed to reload."