/tge open -------- Open Enhanced Grindstone GUI
/tge reload -------- Reload config file
Permissions: -------- open the grindstone menu
tiagrindstone.command.reload -------- reload the config
tiagrindstone.grindstone -------- use Enhanced Grindstone on grindstone if permission required is enabled
tiagrindstone.item.bypass -------- bypass item special list
tiagrindstone.enchantment.bypass -------- bypass enchantment blacklist/whitelist
Plugin is developed for Paper. This should work for Paper and its forks.
Known core: Paper, Pufferfish, Purpur, Leaf
Simply drag the file into your plugin folder, restart or use PlugMan.
Code (YAML):
# Tia's Grindstone Enhanced plugin # Visit my site for more Tia's plugin # grindstone: # Should open enhanced menu when player right click grindstone? override-grindstone: true
# Should permission be required to open menu from grindstone? open-with-permission: false
# If player does not have permission. Use vanilla grindstone or # block him from using grindstone? no-permission-use-vanilla: false
# Refer to i18n-message-open send-message-on-open: true
# Refer to i18n-message-remove send-message-on-remove: true
# Take item/book back when there is no enchantment on it take-back:
enabled: true
# When enabled, item will be dropped if player's inventory is full. # Otherwise, leave the item inside GUI. (Still drop after close GUI) drop-when-full-inventory: true
items: # Item types that are allowed to clean. # To disable this, only keep something like Bedrock inside the list. global-list: -
"leather_" -
"wooden_" -
"iron_" -
"golden_" -
"diamond_" -
"netherite_" -
"bow" -
"crossbow" -
"shield" -
"fishing_rod" -
"flint_and_steel" -
"shears" -
"_on_a_stick" -
"elytra" -
"trident" -
# Item types that required permission to clean special-list: -
"blaze_rod" books: # Enable book clean? allow: true
# Require permission to clean books? Only useful when books are allowed above. use-permission: false
# Items/Books containing following keyword in their names will not be allowed. # Could be useful if you have some custom items in your server (RPG) blacklist-names: -
"Event Sword" -
"Gift Chestplate" -
"Book of EXP"
# Items/Books containing following lore (key world) will not be allowed. blacklist-lores: -
"Soul Bind" costs: # Cost something on removing enchantments. # none : nothing # give-coin : give Vault coins # take-coin : take Vault coins # give-exp : give vanilla exp # take-exp : take vanilla exp # give-exp-lvl : give vanilla exp level # take-exp-lvl : take vanilla exp level
# Amount to cost when removing all enchantments from items/books. removing-all:
type: give-exp
# Count all enchantments in the item for price? count-all: true
# Count all enchantments for price but max at a number. Use positive integer only ! count-all-max: 100000
# If count-all is false, set the amount here. Use positive integer only ! fix-amount: 50
type: take-coin
# Costs per level, eg, LVL5 enchantment take 5 x per-level = 50. Use positive integer only ! per-level: 10
# These enchantments are on different price. eg, sharpness:11. Use positive integer only ! override-price: - sharpness:11
- protection:9
enchantment-list: # false to use as whitelist, true to use as whitelist # Players with permission can bypass whitelist/blacklist use-as-blacklist: true
list: -
"vanishing_curse" -
"binding_curse" i18n:
open: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &aOpening the grindstone menu." permission-grindstone: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &cYou don't have the permission to use the grindstone." permission-open: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &cYou don't have the permission to use Enhanced Grindstone." remove: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &aSuccessfully remove %enchantment% from your item." remove-list: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &aSuccessfully remove selected enchantments from your item." remove-all: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &aSuccessfully remove all enchantments from your item." empty: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &cThis item have nothing to remove. Or you don't have permission to remove some enchantments." not-allow: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &cThis item is not allowed in Grindstone." not-enough: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &cYou don't have enough %unit% to do this!" item-dropped: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &aYou forgot your item! It's dropped at your location because your inventory is full!" reload: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &aConfig reloaded." reload-new: "&e[Enhanced Grindstone] &aConfig file not exists! Regenerating!" gui:
title: "&eEnhanced Grindstone" remove:
lore: -
"&bClick to remove this enchantment" -
"&b%type%: %price% %unit%" clear:
name: "&eRemove All Enchantments" lore: -
"&b Click to remove all enchantments" -
"&b%type%: %price% %unit%" types:
give-coin: "Money got" take-coin: "Money lost" give-exp: "EXP got" take-exp: "EXP lost" give-exp-lvl: "Lvl got" take-exp-lvl: "Lvl lost" give-pp: "Points got" take-pp: "Points lost" unit:
give-coin: "coin(s)" take-coin: "coin(s)" give-exp: "point(s)" take-exp: "point(s)" give-exp-lvl: "level(s)" take-exp-lvl: "level(s)" give-pp: "point(s)" take-pp: "point(s)" page:
type: ARROW
name: "Next Page" lore: -
"%current%/%total%" previous:
type: ARROW
name: "Previous Page" lore: -
"%current%/%total%" holder:
name: "&ePut your item inside slot above" lore: -
"" consoles:
update: "As TiaGrindstoneEnhanced has updated. A new config file is generated and old config has been renamed to config-old-%version%.yml." warning:
negative-price: "Price cannot be negative number! Action cancelled!" invalid-type: "Invalid price type! Charge none!" hooks:
enabled: false
give-xp: true
use-multiplier: true
grindstone-single-per-level: 36
grindstone-all-per-level: 18
PlayerPoints: # If enabled. You can use type "take-pp" or "give-pp". enabled: false