Drag into bungeecord/plugins and restart proxy.
Only install on proxy, do not install on servers!
For Paper:
Drag into paper/plugins and restart server.
How to write a math expression? Simple expression are like: "1+1", "5*5", you can use %max% and %online% for real numbers in expressions, like:
"%online% * 2 + 5"
For advanced usage, you may need "MIN(a,b)" and "MAX(a,b)", like:
"MIN(%max%, %online% * 2 + 5) This will make sure the edited online number won't be over Max Player.
# Tia's Custom Online plugin
# Visit my site for more Tia's plugin
# https://code.ttfl.net/minecraft
# Should plugin handle max amount?
# If true, %max% in this plugin would also use this value.
enable: true
amount: 400
enable: true
# Must be one of the modes. If this string is wrong, real online will be used.
mode: random-timed
# Config the amount counter in this section.
# You can use %online% %max% in math patterns.
# Use "%online%“ for real online amount.
# Use "%max%” for real max amount.
# For more detailed information, visit https://ezylang.github.io/EvalEx/references/references.html.
# Increase/decrease with time but random in range.
# This looks the best.
min-random: "4"
max-random: "8"
min: "20 + %online%"
max: "MIN(50 + %online%, %max%)"
min-time: 7
max-time: 20