- Recompiled thelab classes
- Added support for 1.21.1
- Fixed a bug in pig racing where you could've clicked twice
- Fixed a bug in catastrophic where tnt damage wouldn't count
- Fixed a potential error when clearing dr zuk's villager behaviour
- Fixed a bug where you could separate from your boat
- Updated to 1.20.2
- Updated to 1.20.2
Removed 1.20.1 support
- Fixed a bug where on 1.19.4 the clearGoals method didn't worked as expected
- Fixed an issue regarding the villager not having the goals removed
Changed the /thelab start command to be id based instead of player based
Changed the /thelab start command to be id based instead of player based
Updated the plugin to 1.17
Both carved pumpkin and pumpkin will be work for making snowmen
- Removed the join and quickjoin permission
- Added cancel event for GameJoinEvent
- Added a cancel ability into GameJoinEvent
- Fixed the double interact event where sometimes it would've reset the pig to default position
- Fixed a bug with 1.16.2 where the villager would've been able to keep it's tasks
Fixed a message not being translatable.
Fixed Dodge ball game showing ballon pop messages instead
Fixed the bugs with mobs especially villagers not behaving
Fixed Fight bow not working
Fixed CrazyPaints bug where you couldn't color over another player
Readded the score substraction to the hitted player
Pig Racing no longer teleports randomly or spam debug messages
Enjoy the bugless version

I'm still looking for the bug that causes mobs to still move for some reason.
Added bungee messages for broadcast (they disable the game specific one if used)
fixed a bug regarding heads not respawning
Added 1.15 support to the 1.14 version
Fixed some small bugs created by the 1.14 version, let me know if every bug is fixed
This is a cheap update done as a request of
@ScuroK if you find bugs lemme know
Small revision updates as preparation for the new game core
This new patch fixes some small issues regarding a performance metric by delaying the task over a span of a second resulting in less lagg when the game script runs.
I promise that the new gamecore is almost complete and I'l start patching every game with it, resulting in a more compatible state with any future releases without the need of me to constantly patch the new versions data myself(Unless it's really needed as how Material got completly overhauled resulting in people having to create their own VMaterial class in order to support previous and newer game versions)
I'm really sorry i've haven't giving a life sign for so long but i still love doing plugins and i'l promise i'l be the same dude who patches their plugin daily as i used to
I will also offer a 33% Discount to all my plugins for those who want to try it as is until the next updates....
Fixed a bug related to health restore
- Fixed a bug with the items that give extra health on equip at restore
- Encrypted mysql connection
Added WorldLoader compatibility
- Fixed some mysql ssl issues
- Fixed some small glitched as reported by users
- Removed <id> from /tl start
- Added /start
- Fixed small bugs
Removed the <id> from /tl skip
Added /tl addstats <player> <wins/atoms> <amount>
- Fixed some message bugs
- Added tl.join and tl.join.<id>
- Added tl.quickjoin
removed the cant join permission
Added the improvements requested by mibby
- Added a broadcast message for players to know
- Made so the scoreboard gets reverted to the previous one after a game completion
- Added a quickjoin command
- Added MySQL autoreconnect
- Fixed chat not being disabled while in the zuk stage
Fixed a memory leak in the core
Fixed bugs with the latest version
Added GameStateChangeEvent
Fixed an issue where players could enter other people boats
Fixed a bug where players could get out of the boats
Changed some code to prepare for the new minigames
- Added victory sounds on the game end
- Added a new dr zuk line on the end game
- Added a new config option that will disable mobs from spawning
- Fixed an issue when trying to create an arena in the 1.12 version.
- Fixed the night problem if you leave the game when dr zuk talks
- Fixed the desync problem between text and dr zuk voice on the end of the game.
Added a check that will prevent any type of error from breaking your game
- Improved scoreboard update method
- Fixed the issue with craftbook plugin
Added 4 subtitles for the final sounds
- Fixed a bug where it would've been possible to write in chat even if messages says otherwise
Added the feature to stop the server on end
Fixed an error which appeared if someone were not in game damaged by a tnt explosion
- Skip command now also skip the end part of the experiment
- Added game end sounds (subtitles soon)
- Now is night in the lobby
- Replaced Priest villager with librarian(white)
Fixed a whack a mob error that would result in game problems (1.11 bug only i think)
You can now edit the Chat format in Messages.yml now!
Added an Armor to the breakingblocks minigame
Dr zuk rotation time improved
Improvements in Catastrophic minigame.
Added experiments.yml file to be able to edit the names, timer and material for each experiment
Improvement mob spawn to remove any lag
Version: 1.2
Old database.yml is not compatible with this version! We recommand you to use our example from tutorial section in the main page!
- Added catastrophic experiment.
- Added 1.11.2 support, removed 1.7.10 support
- Dr Zuk now should work optimally for 1.9+
- Fixed Snowman experiment losing snow when someone replaced the snow on ground with snow blocks
- Added end villager.
- Improvments regarding Dr Zuk rotation at the begining
- New messages added in messages.yml
- Fixed a problem when leaving an arena
- Command /tl skip has been vastly improved
- Several improvments on the commands messages
- Added pigs name in PigRacing minigames
- Several other minor improvements
Version 1.19
- Improved the minigames selection to be rotated instead of being randomized before each game (Now they are randomized only after a complete rotation)
- Improved the cancel problem on drop item
- Fixed an error regarding breaking blocks
- Fixed a bug where the game could've start with 1 player if the game timer was started.
- Added /tl skip <id> command, to skip experiments!
Minigames changes and improvements:
- Now when you pop wool you can see the red particle from a 2x bigger distance.
- Improved boat respawn algoritm.
- Gold blocks spawn algoritm improved.
- The gold block spawn randomization has been improved.
- Removed the knockback because was to abusive.
- Improved the green particles on skulls
- Improved the spawn system of heads.
- Decreased toughness potion effect
- Fixed the imediatly respawn of head if breaked really quick after the experiment starts.
- Now gold ingots are added in the inventory
- Improved the randomization system of inventory items
- Improved pigs to not take damage and always be adults
- Improved the randomization
- Increased the mobs number from 5 to 8
Fixed a bug with the Fight particles for heads
Fixed a bug where the command didn't worked if the minimum wasn't satisfied
- Made the toughness effect lower
- Fixed the ItemFrame rotation
Added BreakingBlocks Minigame!
Added %id% placeholder for signs
Fixed powerups for experiment FIGHT
Please delete the experiment before the update. And create it again with the new game setup
Added support for 1.11 and discount for black friday that last only one more day!
- Possibly fix for pigs in PigRacing to despawn when far away"
- Arrow patch added again to fix several minecraft bugs
Made the last games items to remain in item frame