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* Added Legacy Version support
* Added configurable maxLifeTime value for MySQL databases
* Added TeleportArgument (/tba tp)
* Added new RewardType scoreboard_remove
* Added option to disable hunger completely
* Fixed tb items are not removed if inventory manager is enabled and the server is stopping
* Fixed players not getting teleported to end location after arena leave
* Fixed cage fall damage
* Fixed 2 stats messages were not added
* Fixed POINTS mode wins/loses stats
* Fixed NPE on fall damage before a player is on any base
* Fixed block dropping on breaking
* Fixed material could not fetch colors on some types of color
* Fixed winner check on Heart mode games with empty bases
* Fixed reload command that does now proper unregister arenas
* Fixed baseselector does not remove players if they leave before the game starts
* Fixed blocks reset on server stop
* Changed own portal jump to kill players who stuck on own portal
* Changed player movement on round resets now allows head rotation and jumping
* Changed round end message ("%base_players% (%base_scored%)")