Simple teleportation system with editable messages.
/tpo <player> - teleport to a player | teleportsystem.teleport
/tpo <player> <target> - teleport a player to another player | teleportsystem.teleport.other
/tphere <player> - teleport a player to you |
/tpa <player> - send a request to teleport you to another player | teleportsystem.tpa
/tpahere <player> - send a request to teleport the player to you |
/tpaccept <player> - accept a tpa request | teleportsystem.tpaccept
/tpdecline <player> - decline a tpa request | teleportsystem.tpdecline
/tpatoggle - turn off tpa requests | teleportsystem.tpatoggle
A tpa request expires after 30 seconds.
Code (YAML):
messages: prefix: "&5&lTeleport &8➢ " no-permissions: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command!" wrong-usage: "&cWrong usage: %command%" player-not-online: "&cThis player is not online!" player-teleported: "&7You have been teleported to &6%player%&7." player-teleported-to-player: "&6%player% &7has been teleported to &6%target%&7." tpa-toggled: "&7You can no longer receive &6tpa requests&7." tpa-not-toggled: "&7You can now receive &6tpa requests&7." tpa-send-toggled: "&cYou cannot send a tpa request to this player!" tpa-already-send: "&cYou already send a tpa request to this player!" player-tpa-request: "&7You have sent &6%player% &7a teleportation request. He has &630 &7seconds to accept it." target-tpa-request: "&7You have received a teleportation request from &6%player%&7. You have &630 &7seconds to accept it. Click &c%here% &7to accept." tpa-hover-message: "&eClick to accept" player-tpa-here-request: "&7You have sent &6%player% &7a teleportation request to teleport him to you. He has &630 &7seconds to accept it." target-tpa-here-request: "&7You have received a teleportation request to teleport to &6%player%&7. You have &630 &7seconds to accept it. Click &c%here% &7to accept." no-tpa-request-received: "&cYou didn't receive a tpa request from &6%player%!" player-decline-tpa-request: "&6%player% &cdeclined &7your tpa request." target-decline-tpa-request: "&7You &cdeclined &7the tpa request from &6%player%&7." tpa-request-expired: "&7The tpa request from &6%player% &7is expired." player-tpa-accept: "&6%player% &7accepted your tpa request." target-tpa-accept: "&7You accepted the tpa request from &6%player%" tpa-send-yourself: "&cYou cannot send yourself a tpa request!"
Just put the plugin in your plugins folder and restart the server.