Description: Thanks to this plugin you can send donates to other players.
You can check who give you the most money/coins.
Plugin supports:
- Vault economy (require to work) - PlaceholderAPI (optional)
Commands: - /donate <nick> <coins> - Send donate to player
- /donate top - Top 10 donors who sent you money
- /admindonates reload - Reloads config
%t-donates_number_of_donations% - Number of player's donations
%t-donates_total_donated_money% - Sum of donated money to player
Code (YAML):
permission: 'timsixth.donates'
admin_permission: 'timsixth.admin.donates'
max_top_players: 10
dont_have_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission'
player_is_offline: '&cThis player is offline'
is_not_number: '&cThis is not a number'
dont_have_money: '&cYou don''t have money'
receive_donate: '&aYou have received donated from
} &awith money
send_donate: '&aYou have sent donate to
empty_list: '&cYou don''t have
any donates'
number_must_be_greater_then_zero: '&cNumber must be greater then zero'
top_players: '&aTop
} donors'
files_reloaded: '&aConfig have been reloaded successfully'
correct_use_admin_command: '&cCorrect use /adonates reload'
list_of_command: - '&7
] &aDonates &7
- '&7/&adonate <nick> <coins> &7- Send donate to player'
- '&7/&adonate top &7- Top 10 donors who sent you money'