This plugin does not give you a normal Debug! It recreates the behavior of the vanilla debug stick, so there is no need for like fake op or any fake gamemode.
You can turn any item of your choice into a debug stick. As an op or any person with the permission
Code (Text):
you can use the the command
It applies the needed NBT-Tag to the item in your main hand, and now you can use it as the debug stick. After creating the debug stick, you can add it to a custom crafting plugin.
I really recommend:
Custom Crafting by WolfyScript
You can also only edit blocks, where you could also build. In the config you can specify which block states players should be able to edit. At default config there should be nothing possible to dupe. There is also a lang to customize the the hotbar messages.
Spoiler: Config
Code (Text):
language: EN
directional: true
orientable: true
powerable: true
waterlogged: true
bisected: true
ageable: false
rail: true
rotatable: true
stairs: true
bed: true
chest: true
cake: false
bamboo: true
openable: true
beehive: false
bell: true
big_dripleaf: true
lightable: true
brewing_stand_bottles: true
face_attachable: true
campfire: true
candle: false
levelled: false
chiseled_bookshelf_slots: true
wall: true
multiple_facing: true
attachable: true
gate: true
snowable: true
hangable: true
noteblock_note: true
noteblock_instrument: true
pink_petals: false
piston: true
piston_head_type: true
piston_head_short: true
dripstone_thickness: true
comparator: true
redstone_wire: true
repeater_delay: true
repeater_locked: true
respawn_anchor: false
scaffolding: true
sculk_catalyst: true
sculk_sensor: true
sculk_shrieker: true
sea_pickle: false
slab: true
snow: false
turtle_egg_hatch: false
turtle_egg_eggs: false
- slab.double
Spoiler: EN lang.yml
Code (Text):
prefix: "&7[&6SurvivalDebugStick&7] &r"
no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to do that!"
wrong_usage: "&cWrong usage! Use &6/survivaldebugstick help&c for help."
no_console_command: "&cThis command can only be executed by players."
message_format: "%state%: %value%"
directional: "&7Direction"
orientable: "&7Orientation"
powerable: "&7Power"
waterlogged: "&7Waterlogged"
bisected: "&7Bisected"
ageable: "&7Age"
rail: "&7Rail"
rotatable: "&7Rotation"
stairs: "&7Stairs"
bed: "&7Bed"
chest: "&7Chest"
cake: "&7Cake"
bamboo: "&7Bamboo"
openable: "&7Openable"
beehive: "&7Beehive"
bell: "&7Bell"
big_dripleaf: "&7Big Dripleaf"
lightable: "&7Lightable"
brewing_stand_bottles: "&7Bottles"
face_attachable: "&7Attachable"
campfire: "&7Campfire"
candle: "&7Candles"
levelled: "&7Leveled"
chiseled_bookshelf_slots: "&7Bookshelf"
wall: "&7Wall"
multiple_facing: "&7Multiple Facing"
attachable: "&7Attachable"
gate: "&7Gate"
snowable: "&7Snow"
hangable: "&7Hangable"
noteblock_note: "&7Note"
noteblock_instrument: "&7Instrument"
pink_petals: "&7Pink Petals"
piston: "&7Piston"
piston_head_type: "&7Piston Head"
piston_head_short: "&7Short Piston Head"
dripstone_thickness: "&7Dripstone Thickness"
comparator: "&7Comparator"
redstone_wire: "&7Redstone"
repeater_delay: "&7Delay"
repeater_locked: "&7Locked"
respawn_anchor: "&7Respawn Anchor"
scaffolding: "&7Scaffolding"
sculk_catalyst: "&7Sculk Catalyst"
sculk_sensor: "&7Sculk Sensor"
sculk_shrieker: "&7Sculk Shrieker"
sea_pickle: "&7Sea Pickle"
slab: "&7Slab"
snow: "&7Snow"
turtle_egg_hatch: "&7Turtle Egg Hatches"
turtle_egg_eggs: "&7Turtle Eggs"
multiple_facing_east: "&7Multiple Facing (East)"
multiple_facing_west: "&7Multiple Facing (West)"
multiple_facing_north: "&7Multiple Facing (North)"
multiple_facing_south: "&7Multiple Facing (South)"
north_north_east: "&aNorth-North-East"
north_east: "&aNorth-East"
east_north_east: "&aEast-North-East"
east: "&aEast"
east_south_east: "&aEast-South-East"
south_east: "&aSouth-East"
south_south_east: "&aSouth-South-East"
south: "&aSouth"
south_south_west: "&aSouth-South-West"
south_west: "&aSouth-West"
west_south_west: "&aWest-South-West"
west: "&aWest"
west_north_west: "&aWest-North-West"
north_west: "&aNorth-West"
north_north_west: "&aNorth-North-West"
north: "&aNorth"
up: "&aUp"
down: "&aDown"
top: "&aTopp"
bottom: "&aBottom"
side: "&aSide"
none: "&aNone"
low: "&aLow"
tall: "&aTall"
ceiling: "&aCeiling"
floor: "&aFloor"
doppelt: "&aDouble"
true: "&aTrue"
false: "&aFalse"
active: "&aActive"
cooldown: "&aCooldown"
inactive: "&aInactive"
substract: "&aSubtract"
compare: "&aCompare"
tip: "&aTip"
tip_merge: "&aMerged Tip"
frustum: "&aFrustum"
middle: "&aMiddle"
base: "&aBase"
normal: "&aNormal"
sticky: "&aSticky"
banjo: "&aBanjo"
bass_drum: "&aBass Drum"
bass_guitar: "&aBass Guitar"
bell: "&aBell"
bit: "&aBit"
chime: "&aChime"
cow_bell: "&aCow Bell"
creeper: "&aCreeper"
custom_head: "&aCustom Head"
didgeridoo: "&aDidgeridoo"
dragon: "&aDragon"
flute: "&aFlute"
guitar: "&aGuitar"
iron_xylophone: "&aIron Xylophone"
piano: "&aPiano"
piglin: "&aPiglin"
pling: "&aPling"
snare_drum: "&aSnare Drum"
skeleton: "&aSkeleton"
sticks: "&aSticks"
wither_skeleton: "&aWither Skeleton"
zombie: "&aZombie"
xylophone: "&aXylophone"
partial: "&aPartial"
full: "&aFull"
unstable: "&aUnstable"
double_wall: "&aDouble Wall"
single_wall: "&aSingle Wall"
large: "&aLarge"
small: "&aSmall"
right: "&aRight"
left: "&aLeft"
single: "&aSingle"
head: "&aHead"
foot: "&aFoot"
inner_left: "&aInner Left"
inner_right: "&aInner Right"
outer_left: "&aOuter Left"
outer_right: "&aOuter Right"
straight: "&aStraight"
help_header: "--- --- --- ---[%header%]--- --- --- ---"
help_footer: "--- --- -[Seite %page%/%pages%]- --- ---"
- survivaldebugstick
- sds
help_header: "SurvivalDebugStick-Help"
- reload
help: "&6/%command% %subcommand% &7- Reload the configuration."
config_reloaded: "&aThe configuration has been reloaded."
- stick
help: "&6/%command% %subcommand% &7- Get the SurvivalDebugStick."
stick_given: "&aYou have received the SurvivalDebugStick."
- help
help: "&6/%command% %subcommand% &7- Show this help message."
Spoiler: Commands
/sds stick -> turn the item in your main hand into a debug stick
/sds reload -> reload the configuration
Spoiler: Permissions
survivaldebugstick.admin - use the admin command
DEPENDENCIES (Required) LunaticLib If you discover any bugs or have ideas for new features, please don't hesitate to open an Issue on GitHub or contact me on Discord. I appreciate your input!