Current pranks:
Fart: Plays an annoying sound and spawns some particles.
Spit: Just like a Llama spit.
Creeper: Spawns a fake creeper that causes a fake explosion.
Skull: Spawns a wither skull that goes in the direction of the player, and causes a fake explosion.
Diamond: Spawns a fake diamond in front of the target player. If the player tries to get the diamond, a lightning will strike it making the item dissapear.
Warden: Spawns a fake warden to scarry your friends!
tnt: Spawns a fake tnt block in front of the player.
/pranks: List all the current available pranks
/prank (prank-name) (player): Do a prank to a player
permission: surfpranks.others
/surfpranks reload: reload the config.yml
Vault support
- DIsable pranks in specific worlds
- delay between each prank.
Later, more pranks are going to be added.