Stop packetevents from throwing hissy fits
Stop packetevents from being stupid and kicking the player.
Added PLAYTRACK Effect
Added example of Play Track effect to Midoriya - plays MHA opening song when you enter full cowling mode.
Stop excessive CPU usage due to EntityLib
Fixes bug where hero checks aren't done in else blocks within condition not within a trigger
This release requires SkillsLibrary 2.24.0+
Added 1.21.3 Compatibility
Skeleton King spawns unarmed skeletons with helmets (10% chance for a wither skeleton) once a minute. It can also control skeletons, telling them where to move and who to attack. It does not get attacked by skeletons.
Glowing is now removed upon choosing where to send the entity
No longer causes errors on spigot servers (gracefully disables)
This update adds a skill - BEASTCONTROL. An example has been put on the WIPig hero. This skill allows you to tell mobs wear to walk, and who to attack by sneaking!
This version compiles against the latest versions of EntityLib and PacketEvents, leading to 1.21 support!
No more errors in console!
Prevent skin from staying after attempting to change hero in an allow-heroes denied region
hotfix powers not being included in jar
Add PLAYERJOIN trigger to Pig hero - hopefully fix disguise not appearing on join, needs testing
Switch to building with gradle for smaller file size
This update adds the Disguise effect, and a hero that looks like a pig, aptly named "WIP-Pig"
Updated bundled SkillsLibrary
This version adds a new hero Aquaman, and updates SkillsLibrary
Updated some dependencies, new bundled version of SkillsLibrary
This update adds /heroskin, a persistent way to toggle your skin on / off. The permission node is superheroesplusultra.heroskin
There is a new example spell in Sorcerer demonstrating how to write your own CUSTOM spells - it is very similar to the pre existing custom skill system. This spell is the "EGO" spell, that tells all players near you that you are the best at Minecraft! This new spell requires SkillsLibrary 2.18.0+ and SuperheroesPlusUltra 1.7.0+
Fixed bug where skills would not load if a conditions section did not exist
Conditions can now go in the base of the CUSTOM skill! You can still have them nested inside trigger for backwards compatibility, but I think this way reads better and is more convenient for development of SuperheroesPlusCompiler (look below!)
SkillsLibrary version bump
I broke compatibility with PlusUltra in 4.x.x
This build fixes it
Fixed bugs with LOSTHERO/GAINEDHERO triggers
Fixed/Added (depends on how you think about it lol), HEROGAINED and HEROLOST triggers.
Bumped SkillsLibrary version
Zombie.yml now uses additive velocity (rather than overwriting) when doing knockup
New SkillsLibrary version
Added plusUltraSkills section support - this allows for reading sections of a hero config that are PlusUltra exclusive so you can have custom skills in a hero file without creating errors on normal Superheroes installations
SkillsLibrary update with overhauled Velocity effect and new Shooter Condition. Both of these have wiki pages on the SkillsLibrary wiki
Buffed Midoriya, Nerfed Zombie and Fixed DrCloak messages
Added a new hero for SuperheroesPlusUltra based on Midoriya from My Hero Academia. This is the most complex default example of what you can create in SkillsLibrary so far
New SkillsLibrary version with relocations to reduce likelihood of plugin conflicts
This update adds basic skript support that is documented at the bottom of the plugin page!
compiled against latest superheroes
Replaced with zip with Skillslibrary and PlusUltra
Made skin loading on join more consistent
Very preliminary work on adding some Skript support to Superheroes
Fixed issue where players wouldn't get the custom skin if they relog
Added support for custom skins per hero and new version of SkillsLibrary bundled!
This update adds a new stock hero called the Zombie, which acts like a zombie! This includes some more examples of how to use SkillsLibrary, you will need to set generatedDefaultHeroesAlready to false to get this to be regenerated!
There will be many other additions from having the latest version of SkillsLibrary bundled inside.
Please ensure you are running a Superheroes 3.X.X build to use this version of SuperheroesPlusUltra + SkillsLibrary.
This update just keeps it in line with that as well as moving default heroes in SuperheroesPlusUltra to following minimessage syntax.
Dr Cloak now gets the invisibility potion effect to make it more intuitive
The bundled SkillsLibrary is now 2.5.4