The permium version of SuperHarvest which gives more side feature to bring player more convenience may be release before the end of 2024! please be patient and join our Discord to contact us for more details if you have interested.
Added multi-language file configuration. To add translations, please place the corresponding language codes in the Lang folder, the default language support is English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
Added the 'default-language' option in the config to set the default language of SuperHarvest.
Added the 'auto-locale' option in the config to determine whether the player's default language should be based on their locale. If the language file is not found, the default language set in the config will be used.
Added the command "/sh language <language code>" to adjust the display language of Superharvest.
Fixed an issue that caused console spam errors for players using Superharvest.
The default CPU time limitation has been increased to 3 milliseconds from 1.
You can now modify this setting in the configuration by "cpu-mileseconds-limitation"