SuperBackpack icon

SuperBackpack -----

Custom Backpack System

SuperPackage Plugin for Minecraft

Welcome to SuperPackage, a versatile plugin designed to enhance your Minecraft experience by providing a robust backpack system. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this plugin offers and how to use it effectively.

1. Custom Backpack System

- Allows players to store items in personal backpacks.
- Backpacks are organized with 54 slots, where the central 28 slots are for player items, surrounded by decorative gray glass panes.

2. Persistent Storage
- All items stored in backpacks are saved automatically upon any changes and during server shutdowns.
- Data is loaded from YML files when the plugin is enabled, ensuring no loss of items.

3. Language Support
- The plugin supports multiple languages (currently Traditional Chinese and English).
- Language-specific messages and titles can be easily configured.

4. User-Friendly Commands
- Simple command to open the backpack menu.


- /sv
- Description: Opens the main backpack menu.
- Usage: /sv

How to Use:
1. Opening the Backpack Menu:

- Players can open the main backpack menu by typing `/sv` in the chat.
- The main menu displays 28 backpacks in the central slots, each surrounded by gray glass panes.

2. Using Backpacks:
- Click on any of the 28 slots to open the respective backpack.
- Each backpack provides additional 28 slots for item storage.

3. Saving and Loading:
- Backpacks save automatically when items are added or removed.
- All data is loaded from YML files when the plugin is enabled and saved when the plugin is disabled.

Language Configuration:
1. Setting the Language:

- Open the `config.yml` file located in the plugin’s data folder.
- Set the desired language under the `language` key. Supported languages are `zh_tw` (Traditional Chinese) and `en` (English).

2. Customizing Messages:
- Language-specific files (`zh_tw.yml` and `en.yml`) are provided.
- Customize messages and titles in these files as needed.

Example Configurations:
Code (YAML):
# config.yml
: en

# en.yml
: "Welcome to our server!"
: "Thank you for visiting, goodbye!"
: "§cAn error occurred, please try again later."
: "§0§lBackpack System"
: "§0§lBackpack %index%"
: "§c§lBackpack %index%"

# zh_tw.yml
: "歡迎來到我們的伺服器!"
: "感謝你的光臨,再見!"
: "§c發生了一個錯誤,請稍後再試。"
: "§0§l背包系統"
: "§0§l背包 %index%"
: "§c§l背包 %index%"

1. Download the plugin JAR file** from the SpigotMC resource page.
2. Place the JAR file** into the `plugins` folder of your Minecraft server.
3. Start the server** to generate the default configuration files.
4. Edit the `config.yml` file** to set the desired language and customize messages if needed.
5. Reload or restart the server** to apply the changes.

Enjoy the enhanced storage capabilities with SuperPackage! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please feel free to reach out on the support page.
----------, Jun 26, 2024

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 34
First Release: Jun 26, 2024
Last Update: Jun 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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