Place the SunSpawn.jar file into the plugins directory of your Spigot server.
Restart the server to generate the default configuration file.
Setting the Spawn Point:
Use /setspawn while standing at the desired location. This command sets the spawn point to your current coordinates.
Teleporting to the Spawn Point:
Use /spawn to teleport to the set spawn location. If a delay is configured, you will see a countdown message. Ensure not to move during this period if movement cancellation is enabled.
Returning to Spawn on Death:
If enabled in the configuration, players will respawn at the set spawn location regardless of the world they died in.
Reloading the Configuration:
Use /sunspawn reload to reload the plugin's configuration file. This is useful for applying changes without restarting the server.
spawn: Coordinates and orientation of the spawn point. This is automatically updated when using the /setspawn command.
settings.spawn_delay: Sets the delay (in seconds) before teleporting to the spawn location. Set to 0 to disable the delay.
settings.return_to_spawn_on_death: Determines whether players should respawn at the spawn location upon death.
settings.cancel_teleport_on_move: Determines whether movement during the teleport delay should cancel the teleportation.
messages: Customize the messages sent to players. Supports color codes using &.
sunspawn.setspawn: Allows the player to set the spawn location using /setspawn.
sunspawn.reloadconfig: Allows the player to reload the configuration using /sunspawn reload.