SunAntiCrash – Anti-Crash Plugin for Minecraft 1.16.5
SunAntiCrash is a lightweight and efficient plugin designed to protect your server from crashes caused by placing
redstone on trapdoors. It offers full configuration through
config.yml, allowing server administrators to customize messages and disable protection if needed. The plugin also includes management commands for easy control.
- Crash protection by preventing redstone from being placed on trapdoors.
- Fully configurable settings and messages via config.yml.
- Admin notifications when a player attempts to trigger the exploit (sunanticrash.notify).
- Easy management with /sah reload and /sah about commands.
Commands and Permissions
/sah reload Reloads the plugin configuration. sunanticrash.reload
/sah about Displays plugin information. sunanticrash.about
Configuration (config.yml)
Code (Text):
enabled: true # Enable or disable protection
plugin-enabled: "&a[AntiCrash] &6Plugin successfully loaded!"
plugin-disabled: "&c[AntiCrash] &6Plugin disabled!"
player-warning: "&cYou cannot place redstone on trapdoors!"
player-question: "&eWhy do you need this? :)"
alert: "&c[AntiCrash] &ePlayer &6%player% &eattempted to place redstone on a trapdoor!"
- Download the plugin and place it in the plugins folder.
- Start the server to generate the configuration file.
- Customize config.yml as needed.
- Restart the server, and the plugin will start protecting it.
SunAntiCrash is a simple yet effective solution to protect your server from trapdoor-related exploits.