Subscriptions icon

Subscriptions -----

Manage Player Access with Ease: Ensure Fair Play and Exclusive Memberships with Subscriptions!

The "Subscriptions" plugin is a powerful tool for server owners, allowing them to manage player access through customizable time plans.

With this plugin, you can assign specific subscription periods to players. Once their allotted time expires, they are automatically kicked from the server until they renew their subscription.

Ideal for creating exclusive membership-based communities, this plugin ensures fair play and server maintenance by regulating player activity.

Moreover, with this plugin, a server can create money without being pay-to-win. The revenue generated from subscriptions can support server costs and improvements while maintaining a balanced and competitive environment.

Easy to configure and manage, "Subscriptions" integrates seamlessly into your server for efficient and effective player time management.


    • Download the Plugin: Download the latest version of the Subscriptions plugin.
    • Place in Plugins Folder: Move the downloaded .jar file to your server's plugins directory.
    • Restart Server: Restart your Minecraft server to load the Subscriptions plugin.
After the initial run, a configuration file (config.yml) will be generated in the plugins/Subscriptions directory. You can edit this file to customize the plugin's settings.

Configuration Options

    • eula: A mandatory agreement to the End User License Agreement. Set to true to accept.
    • kick-message-title: This is the title of the message that players will see when they get kicked.
    • kick-message: The message displayed to players when they are kicked due to running out of time.
    • trial-time: The trial period for new players, given in seconds. Set to 0 to disable the trial period.
    Code (YAML):
    ##To use the plugin, you must agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA). You can find the EULA
    ##at the following link:
    ##To accept the EULA, change the eula value from false to true.
    : false

    #This is the message that players who run out of time will see when they get kicked.
    #If you want to add color coding to the text, use the symbol '§' instead of '&'.
    : "§4Time out"

    ##The trial-time is given in seconds. Put 0 to disable it.
    ##It is recommended to offer a minimum of a one-week (604800 seconds) trial for new players.
    ##This allows them to familiarize themselves with the server and decide whether they want to continue playing or not.

    ##Cheat sheet.
    ## 1 minute: 60 seconds
    ## 1 hour: 3600 seconds
    ## 1 day: 86400 seconds
    ## 1 week: 604800 seconds
    ## 1 year: 31536000 seconds

    ##Keep in mind that the maximum seconds you can add are 9223372036854775807 (292271023045.31 Years) because of the limitations of Java long numbers.

    : 604800

Admin Commands

    • /subscriptions help: Displays help information for the plugin commands.
    • /subscriptions addtime <player> <seconds>: Adds time to a player's subscription.
    • /subscriptions removetime <player> <seconds>: Removes time from a player's subscription.
    • /subscriptions resettime <player>: Resets a player's subscription time to 0 seconds.
    • /subscriptions bugreport : Displays a link to report a bug.
Player Commands

    • /subtimeleft : Allows players to check their own remaining time.
The following permissions can be set up to control access to the plugin's commands and features:

  • subscriptions.admin: Allows access to all the plugin commands.
  • subscriptions.unlimited: Players with this permission do not have a time limit.
  • subscriptions.checktime: Players with this permission can see their remaining time.
Note: Players with OP status have all permissions by default.

  1. Setting Time Limits: By default, all new players will receive the trial-time specified in the configuration file. Administrators can adjust individual player limits using the /subscriptions addtime and /subscriptions removetime commands.

  1. Automatic Updates: The plugin will automatically update player times based on their online and offline status. When a player logs in, their remaining time will be recalculated based on the time they were offline.

  1. Handling Expired Time: When a player's time runs out, they will be automatically kicked from the server with the message specified in the kick-message configuration option.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 249
First Release: Jul 20, 2024
Last Update: Jul 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings